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*My babies Devyn and Cairo above*

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   It's been two weeks since Seven came to our school and he's already mixed in with the rest of us. He's sitting with us in the mornings, at lunch, he even hung out with us last weekend. He completely fits in with the rest of us. Which is good... I guess.

    Him and I haven't talked that much though. Mainly because literally every time he speaks to me he annoys me so I've just been avoiding. Which is great because my cheer team has more time to get to know him, since almost half of them have been throwing themselves at him and I don't need to be seeing or hearing none of that. The only reason I know is because Devyn tells me. The other girls don't even bring him up in front of me which is weird.

      But right now everybody was sitting outside for lunch but I sat two tables behind them only because I forgot about Ms.James homework for next period and I can't take any more zeroes in her class. And nobody at that loud ass table give a fuck.

        "Lala!" Somebody shouted my name from an unknown direction.

So much for peace and quiet.

     I turned around and of course it was Seven. Everywhere I turn this man is there LITERALLY.

"Yes Seven?" I asked as he approached my table.

"Why you not sitting over there?" He nodded towards the table where our friends were.

I pointed to my work. "This, and they're too loud." I said, putting my focus back on my work.

"Ohhh gotcha." He said taking a seat in front of me.

I looked up at him through my lashes. "Um, that wasn't an invitation love."

"I know. But I'll be quiet, Shawty I promise." He said eating something I couldn't quite make out.

I did my work in silence for about 5 minutes before I was interrupted again.

"So how's it going?" He asked me randomly.

He clearly can't take silence.

"Umm be quiet." I responded.

He eyed me for a second. "Are you always this stiff?" He questioned.

"Only when I tell someone I have homework to do and they try to interrupt me anyway." I said matter of factly.

"Oh right my bad." He said. "I'll shut up."

I ignored him and tried to focus on my last two questions. But I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. Everytime I glanced up, he was looking at me waiting patiently.

After about another 5 minutes I sighed and closed my notebook. "Ok I guess I'm done. What do you want?"

"What's the dynamic between you guys?" He said gesturing to the table my friends were at.

I glanced back at them to find them sitting and laughing. "What do you mean?"

"Like the relationship you guys have is unique. I wanna know more about it."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Damn you ask a lot of questions." He added

"Uh so do you."

He shook his head. "Well to be honest, I wanna know more about them, because I wanna know more about you too. I seem like the closest people to you." He said.

"If you wanna get to know me you can just ask Seven."

He ran a hand over the cheek where his scar laid. "Yea I know but I never take the easy way out."

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