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゚☾ ゚。

      The sound of the crowd behind me had me hype. Seven had just scored another touchdown making the score 27-21. With less than a minute left before half time the crowd was getting more antsy with each second that passed.

      It didn't help that we were neck and neck with the opposing team for the majority of the game.

      I turned around to face the stands attempting to find my mom and the twins. I spotted them in the 3rd row and mom gave me a wink and a wave when I spotted them and the twins waved to me excitedly while shoving each other to see who could wave the hardest. I waved back just as excited but dropped my hand as soon as I saw Aj making his way down the bleachers towards them with concessions in his hand.

      He hadn't spotted me yet considering he wasn't paying attention to me but to my mom, but I eyed him as he maneuvered down the stands.

     Now my mom and siblings coming to my games to watch me cheer was nothing new. Even when I was in middle school my mom would drag the twins along when they were  toddlers, to come watch me cheer on our basketball team or football team. But Aj has never once come to a game. Which I preferred, obviously.

      But he was so adamant about coming to this one even my mom was taken back when he told her this morning. Considering our last conversation I didn't understand why he would want to come. And to be honest all it did was put me on edge.

       Everything he does has some hidden agenda behind it.

     I tried to keep my mind off of it though, but every once in a while I would spot a prophet somewhere in the stands and it added to my paranoia.

    I turned back towards the field and instructed the girls in one more cheer on the sidelines before halftime.

     "5,6,7 and 8", I counted before we did one more stunt.

       As soon as Kiara fell back into her sister's arms the scoreboard buzzed to signal halftime. The crowd cheered as the buzzer went off and the football team all jogged to the locker room.

       I glanced at the scoreboard just to see the score hasn't moved since I last checked. 

       "Ok when are we getting started." Niya rushed to me followed by the rest of the team.

        "As soon as the DJ gets our music situated. I'm gonna go check on that right now. Get in position though because we should start as soon as I get back." I told them.

      They all nodded and hummed a response before I did a little jog to the DJ booth which happened to be at the opposite end of the field.

        "Hey Terrance, you have our playlist?" I asked him slightly out of breath as soon as I reached him.

         Terrance isn't an actual DJ. I mean he is kind of but not really. He's my classmate who just so happens to be an aspiring SoundCloud rapper and producer. Our school always puts him in charge of the music for our pep rallies or home games. They paid him enough to fund his music career so he never complained.

          He was a cool dude. He used to hang out with us in middle school all of the time until he and Darius got into a fight in 9th grade over a girl and neither of them have let it go since and ever since Terrance kind of keeps his distance from us. He found a whole nother group of friends and seemed to be happier than he ever was in our dysfunctional friend group.

          Even though he and Darius were on bad terms, he's always been nice to me and the girls. And he was always willing to help a girl out, like right now, so he was pretty cool in my book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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