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"... and he said you don't have to worry about it, you're pretty." I said

"Wait, he said that to you?" Carlos asked me.

I play nodded my head. "Yes. Like me, being pretty has anything to do with anything."

Me and the gang were chilling in the twins' basement just sitting around talking about whatever. I was sitting in a beanbag closest to the stairs with Carlos beside me telling them about what our counselor told me during my meeting with him today. Everybody was just scattered across the room listening, playing the game or doing whatever. Even Q was here.

"That's kinda shitty." Devyn said.

"I know right. That's why I hate that man. Like what kind of counselor tells a student she doesn't have to worry about majoring in something 'hard' in college because she's pretty." I surveyed the room and asked.
"Because I know I'm pretty-"

"Woah woah." Darius paused the PlayStation and turned to me and said. "You're not supposed to know that Lala."

I stared at him dumbfounded for a second. I swear this boy is a tad slow.

"Uhhh why isn't she supposed to know that?" Niya asked. "and it better make sense or ima slap you."

"Because she's not... it's like code or something." He shrugged.

Niya stood up.

"Aye sit down munchkin. I'm just saying when y'all girls know y'all pretty, y'all treat niggas like shit." He elaborated.

"Oh boo fucking hoo." Tiara said. "Fuck y'all. If y'all niggas feel like shit y'all deserve it."

"Damn what I do?" Carlos asked under his breath.

I just laughed and rubbed his back in a mocking way. "You technically don't count."

"You don't get what I'm saying." Darius turned to Seven. "Can you help me before I get jumped."

Seven shook his head. "Why, so I can get jumped? Nah bruh you got it. Finish strong." He held up a fist in support.

"Yea finish strong Darius. Because there is no reason I shouldn't know that I'm attractive when I've been told that my whole life. Hell y'all have been telling every single one of us that we look good since we became friends. Of course we gone think we look good." I told Darius.

"Yea stupid, we have eyes we know what we look like. Alaïa knows she's pretty, she looks in the mirror everyday there's nothing wrong with that." Kiara added on. "Just like Niya knows, Devyn, and the rest of us."

"Aww you think I'm pretty?" Devyn joked. "I'm so flattered." She said blowing her a kiss.

Kiara narrowed her eyes. "Really?"

Devyn shrugged. "Just saying."

"Anyway y'all know what that man meant. When bitches know they look good they start to act all stuck up." Q said, trying to defend Darius's statement. Only to dig himself a deeper whole and cause everybody to say something at the same time.

"Watch the bitch word."
"Thank you." I heard Niya and Darius talk at the same time over the chatter.

'Look what you started.' I mouthed to Q, who only shrugged.

I looked in the direction that Seven was sitting in and him staring, like he always does, and noticed he was true to his word. He wasn't arguing like everybody else was. He just shook his head when I caught him staring.

I snatched the remote off the floor and changed to the news because oddly enough I actually like watching the news.

"-The prophets fault. Their ongoing feud with The 280s has damaged the city of Atlanta significantly. Just an hour ago there was a shootout in the heart of Atlanta where 10 young people ended up dead. With 7 injured." At this point everybody had stopped arguing and was paying attention to the news.

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