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I missed school.

I know that sounds so crazy to say but sitting in my first period after the stressful weekend I had school was the closest thing I had to freaking peace.

And this period was just what I needed to get my mind off of everything.

It's weird I know.

"Happy monday class!" My sociology teacher Mr.Aaron greeted us in his annoyingly cheery voice.

"Today we are going to discuss relationships in sociology. We are going to go over the difference of what you think — relationships/love — means and what it actually means. But the twist is we are going to spilt the class up in a old school boys vs. girls debate." Mr.Aaron said.

It finally clicked as to why he had already arranged the desk so they were facing each other. While everybody was grumbling under their breath I didn't mind though I loved debating in class, especially about topics like this. Mostly, because everyone around me always said the dumbest things which made it easy to win.

"Ok everybody get up, this side boys," He said pointing to the left side of the classroom, "and this side girls." He said pointing to the right.

Everybody grabbed their stuff and moved to their prescriptive sides with groans. Obviously annoyed with the fact they had to move so much at 8 o' clock in the morning.

I chose the seat next to Devyn since she was already on the right side. "Are you exciteddd?" I asked her in my annoying voice.

"No." She started. "And Girl why are you so happy? I expected you to be..." She eyed me.

I smacked my teeth. "Sad? Depressed? Quiet? Nah not today, maybe tomorrow. You need to cheer up babe it's going to be fun." I said leaning back into my seat and looking at the boys side.

Just my luck there was Seven sitting directly in front of me. Looking dead at me.

"Fuck no." I whispered under my breath.

Deven leaned over to my desk and asked, "You still think it's gone be fun?" I pushed her head away and told her to shut up.

"Ok so love is interesting sociologically for so many reasons. To start with, just the one word can represent so many different meanings and understandings: intimate love, companionate love, romantic love, parental love, friendship love, inter-species love, love for places, belongings, views...." Mr.Aaron said.

"Most of you probably don't think of it that way; Some of you might. But today we are going to specifically focus on romantic love." He said while writing ROMANTIC LOVE in all caps on the white board.

"But there is a catch with today's assignment. We are only going to focus on the cons." He said. Everyone in the class instantly grew excited and echoed ooh's and ahh's throughout the classroom. Which made Mr.Aaron more excited than he already was. He clapped excitedly before saying, "I know right we are going to have so much fun today."

I laughed quietly to myself I loved the nice old man.

"So I want all the girls to write about 20 negative characteristics you guys think that men portray in a relationship and I want the boys to do the same." He said. "You have 10 minutes and at the end I need one boy and one girl to write down all the cons you guys came up with on the board. On your mark, get set, go."

All the girls turned to each other to form a little circle and started to discuss.

"Ok number one liars." Niya started. Everyone nodded in agreement. "All niggas do is lie can't tell the truth to save they life." She finished.

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