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Seven and I had our little sleep over a little over a week ago by this point. And this past week has been filled with a lot of stolen kisses behind bleachers, secret meetings in the janitor closets, and even more kisses in empty classrooms.

Keeping our "relationship" -I don't know if I can call it that- a secret has been a lot harder than I thought and it's only been a week.

Since we still have the same friends we're always around each other but we try not to interact as much. It's hard sometimes, being so close but feeling so far away. I try not to dwell on it too much though I have to remind myself this is for now not forever.

"What are you thinking about?" Devyn nudged me.

I snapped my head her way before answering with a smile, "Nothing much, just practice later." I lied. "I'm excited for this new routine I've been working on for the game. I can't wait to show y'all."

I didn't really have to lie to Devyn. She was the only one who truly knew what was going on but I couldn't talk to her about it at lunch in front of everybody.

Plus it wasn't entirely a lie. I did have a new cheer routine to show the girls that I was surprisingly super excited about.

With everything going on it feels silly to be excited about cheer and football games but I couldn't help it. I actually enjoyed those things and my life outside of school was about to ruin it for me.

"Ouuu really?" Devyn shimmied excitedly in her seat. "I can't wait."

"Me either." I agreed with her before turning to look at the other girls at our lunch table and said, "Cheer practice immediately after school girlies, we need as much time as possible to practice. It's homecoming and we are far from being prepared. Plus we need to make up for last year." I said knowingly.

They groaned at my mention of last year and our terrible performance.

"Oh gosh don't even bring it up." Kayla said with her face in her hands. "I literally was dropped on my head in front of the whole damn school."

"It was her fault." The twins said in unison while pointing at eachother.

Kayla just smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes. We've heard this argument between the twins a million times. Almost a whole year later they still won't admit which one of them dropped Kayla in the middle of a stunt. Kayla falling caused a ricochet effect unfortunately because she fell onto Niya who was stunting next to her, so Niya also fell onto Haley, and every girl after that fell on to the other one by one.

It honestly wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't at halftime... during our most packed game of the season.

"Lord, you done got the twins started." Niya mumbled to me before turning around to face the boy's table.

"I know right." I mumbled back. "It's ok girls it's nobody's fault it is what it is. We're moving on now." I said but they weren't hearing it. Once sisters started to argue it wasn't much you could do to intervene so I let them be after that.

Niya shook her head before turning around to rest her back against our table to face the boys table that was directly behind us. "Aye if yall lose the game ima lose some money." She mentioned to the boys trying to tune the twins' argument out.

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