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"Good Morning Atlanta! I'm sorry to say this but we have to start the morning off with some not so great news. Last night at around 2am an altercation between rival gangs resulted in a shoot out resulting in the killing of 8yr old Jayla Cole while she was in her apartment sleeping. Police are looking for leader of one of the gangs who goes by the street name of SIN. If you have any information regarding the identity of this young man please contact Fulton County Police Department."

"That's enough of that." My mom said turning off the news.

I turned my head towards her. "Uh I was watching that." I said.

"Uh I don't care." She smiled. "Get up let's go y'all gone be late and then that's gone make me late for work." She said pushing me up off the couch

I rolled my eyes and shrugged her off me,"I'm ready it's yo other kids that's late." I said dusting myself off.

"Don't worry I'm about to get in they ass too. NANI AND NAZIER BRING YALL ASS RIGHT NOW!" She yelled.

"I'm coming I'm coming." My little brother rushed in. "Nani was taking her sweet time in the bathroom like nobody else gotta use it."

"Shut up cry baby. I was taking a reasonable amount of time you're just dramatic." Nani came out the room with her book bag in tow and sticking her tongue out at Nazier.

"I'm not even crying." Nazier whined.

"I'm not even crying." Nani mocked.

"Lala tell her to stop." Nazier said to me.

I looked at Nani with the leave him alone please look. And she just rolled her eyes and stopped mocking him.

"Y'all the baddest 12 year olds in history I swear to god." I said.

"Nuh-uh." Nani said.

"Alright come on gang enough arguing please." My mama said rushing past us with her big ass purse in tow. "Let's go."

On the car ride over to the twins middle schools I had my earphones in the whole time listening to Jhené. All they bad asses do is argue and I didn't feel like hearing that this morning. Maybe if it was any other morning I would join the shenanigans and argue with them but I wasn't feeling it today.

It was a Monday though and who really feel like themselves on a Monday?

"Hey." My Mom said as I made a move for the door handle as soon as she stopped in front of my school.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Of course I am." I said trying to sound convincing. I could tell she wasn't buying it though.

She made a face. "Lala I know you better than you know yourself. You came from me... now tell me what's been going on. You've been moody all weekend."

I faked a laugh. "Mama I swear nothing is wrong. I just haven't been feeling good that's why my energy has been low lately. Nothing more nothing less. I promise." I said trying to reassure her because I knew she would worry. And if she worries then I will worry and I don't handle stress well so let's just nip this in the bud early.

She looked at me for a minute with out saying anything. I could tell the gears in her brain were on overdrive looking for a comeback.

"Omg look." I smiled real big for her showing off every single one of my teeth. "Perfectly fine!" I said.

She laughed. "Ok I believe you for now. But remember I got my eye on you."

"How could I forget?" I asked reaching over the console to hug her. "Have a nice day mama."

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