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  It was the day before the homecoming game and instead of practicing with my squad before our performance tomorrow I was at the gun range... with AJ.

    He randomly let me know during the school day that Capo would pick me up early from school, and take me to his safe house to practice my shot.

So it wasn't technically a gun range but  same difference.

Anyway, despite my protesting because as we know tomorrow I have to lead a group of 20 girls in a cheer routine in front of hundreds of people but hey that's not an important part of my life anymore, I couldn't exactly say no to him so here I was.

   "Now I know you've been to a shooting range before but I'm going to need you to be more comfortable with handling a gun." Aj told me as he inspected the guns he had laid out on the table in front of us.

   "Why?" I questioned. "Are you expecting me to use one anytime soon?"

    He looked at me and shrugged. "Hope not." He answered carelessly, "But you can never be too sure."

  "Right." I hummed to myself.

   Aj, Capo, and I were in the backyard and a couple hundreds yards away from the house. They set up a white plastic table that was filled with guns I couldn't even begin to name for our little practice session. Just a few feet from us though was the target.

  "Choose one." Aj instructed me as I glanced over the table.

  "Like any one?" I questioned as I glanced between him and Capo.

He just nodded in return.

I hummed to myself as I let my fingers glide over each gun on the table until one caught my eye. It was a little regular sized one, not too big, not too small. It was black all around. It was one of the only ones I recognized by name.

"This one." I said as I lifted it up to inspect it even further.

"That's a Glock 27." Capo said.

  I nodded, "Yea I know what it is." I said as I laid it back down while looking at the table to see if I could spot any bullets to load it.

"Ohh excuse me ma'am." He joked.

"You're excused." I replied.

"Aye she knows a lil more than you let on." Capo said this time turning to Aj.

"Of course she does. I taught her." He said.

  And it was true he did teach me. When I was younger and I first found out about who Aj really was, he and my mom took it upon themselves to teach me how to shoot a gun. It was essential in their eyes. Aj was a dangerous man who surrounded himself with dangerous people. They never knew when somebody would find out about my family and I and use us to get to him.

   Which makes sense, but still I was a kid. I'm pretty sure there is some law out there that prohibits kids from handling guns, but hey who was I disagree with them at the time.

    Ever since then though we would go to a gun range not too far from our house every once in a while up until I was about 15 years old, so it's been a little minute since I've held a gun let alone shot one. I'm pretty sure I still got it though.

   "Bullets?" I asked no one in particular.

     "Right here." Capo said as he picked up a duffle bag off the grass and pulled out a couple boxes of bullets.

    Neither Capo or Aj made a move to load the gun or anything they were just standing there watching me expectantly.

    "Ok what are we waiting on? Let's get started." I questioned impatiently. The quicker we got started, the quicker I could leave, I thought to myself.

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