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"You don't have to save everybody... it's not your job."

"You don't have to save everybody... it's not your job."

Oh my god why did she have to say that now it's the only thing I can think about. It's been replaying the sentence in my head for two weeks and it hurts to think about every time.

Because it's a reminder that I haven't talked to Devyn in two whole weeks. And if I was sad about it before I was definitely sad about it now. We've been attached to the hip since we met. Now I have to walk the halls without her and sit right next to her in class but not even acknowledge each other.

I know the group can tell something is up because we aren't exactly subtle about it. We're not cussing each other out but we aren't talking and it's painfully obvious. I caught them side-eyeing us a few times over the past two weeks but nobody said or asked about anything. I don't even think Cairo knows.

But besides the awkwardness with Devyn I've been doing other things to keep my mind off of our failing friendship. One of those things being Seven. Since Devyn is ignoring me, Seven kind of took her place. I walk with him to class, he takes me home after cheer practice. Sometimes we even stop and eat and hang out before he drops me off. I won't lie, hanging out with him has been fun. He's very funny, and kind of chaotic -but in a good way- and not to mention fine as fuck to top it all off. He's not too bad.

That day he dropped me off at home for the first time and he said he had something to ask me but got rudely interrupted by Ray Ray the crackhead; it was to ask me on a date. Which I knew already aside from the fact that he was visibly nervous that day, he looks at me funny. Like all the time. I didn't notice until Devyn brought it up one day but she's right it's something about the way he looks at me.

Although everything's going great between us I've been feeling bad because I haven't had time to actually go on a date with him. Because I've also been with AJ for the past two weeks. He's been "training" me -his words not mine- on everything and everybody I need to know on both sides. Every other day after school and the weekends he has been taking me to his other house, which might I add is a beautiful mansion in the middle of nowhere Georgia, and I can't help but to wonder why the hell we don't live there.

But anyways he's been taking me there on the weekends to inform on the 280s, meet the closest people to him in The Prophets, and even shoot a gun.

He's been trying to prepare me for the sit down meeting with the 280s -which we are on our way to- and I think I know the most important people.

The leader of the 280s name is Pierre. I don't know whether that's his real name or street name and when I asked AJ all he said was that's his name.

Pierre's right hand isn't his son, surprisingly it's some man named Streeter. I'm gonna take a quick guess and say that's a street name.

He showed me pictures so I can put names to faces. The only picture he didn't know was Pierre's son Trey. The only reason he couldn't show me was because he didn't know what he looked like. Pierre kept his son hidden in plain sight all his life from what I'm told, and this meeting was supposed to be his first public appearance since he's 18 now.

I don't know if that makes Pierre a good dad or a bad one.

"We're here." Aj huffed when we pulled up to a warehouse in the middle of the city.

I waited until the driver got out and opened my door for me so I could step out. I took a deep breath and looked around before making my way to AJ's side of the car.

I surveyed his very serious all black suit he was wearing and looked down at my own all black outfit. I didn't have to wear all black but I wanted to be dramatic.

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