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"Lala is that you?" I heard my mama call from the living room as I walked in the door later that night.

We ended up staying later than expected with Seven and the boys, because contrary to what Seven may think, he isn't the smartest out of all of us and his plan was severely flawed and needed major adjustments. Which unfortunately took us hours to figure out.

"Yea it's me!" I yelled as I took off my shoes. Sighing as my feet were released from my tight ass cheer shoes.

"How was practice?" She said as I entered the living room, while sipping wine from a glass.

I flopped on the couch beside her, "Long and exhausting." I said

"I'm surprised it went for this long. It's like.... Almost 10 o'clock." She said as she paused and checked the time.

I shifted uncomfortably. "Yea I know right. But we got comp and stuff coming up so we're tryna double down." I said, which wasn't a complete lie. We are about to enter competition season, but in reality we could care less about that. Me and the girls are more of the sport cheerleaders type. But for some reason our half ass Coach wants us to compete.

"Hmm." She said, turning her attention back towards Real Housewives.

"Are the twins sleeping?" I asked her as I glanced down the hallway and saw their room light off.

She sighed. "Probably not. They probably up on them phones."

"You right." I cleared my throat. "Where's your boyfriend?" I asked uncomfortably.

She just shrugged her shoulders like she could care less about the question.

"You good?" I asked, noticing her mood change. I'm not surprised by it. Her and AJ's relationship is the definition of toxic. But I learned to stay out of it, because at the end of the day I know she'll take him back.

"Mhmm." She hummed as she took another sip of wine. I think she's learned by now that everything she tells me goes in one ear and out the other so she doesn't even bother anymore.

"I wanted to tell you though, that I'm really glad you and AJ are building a relationship." She said as she reached over to squeeze my hand. "I've been waiting for this moment."

I gave her a half smile. "Yea." Was all I could say.

"Thank you for trying." She said while giving me a smile.

"No problem." I said while shifting uncomfortably under her gaze. The fact that she didn't know so much was making me feel bad for lying. All I've done the past couple weeks was lie to my mom and it was taking a toll on me.

"I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep." I told her as I rose from the couch. It seemed like the weight of my lies was making it hard to move.

That could just be my anxiety talking.

"Alright night honeybun." She called after me.

"Night." I responded as I made my way to the bathroom.

After I took a much needed shower I trudged along to my bedroom, and laid down on my bed with my hands behind my head just staring up at the ceiling.

I tried counting the little things on my popcorn ceiling until I fell asleep but that didn't work. So I started to think about the past, as well as the days ahead.

I started to think about Lexi, and why she decided to leave me here alone.

I started to think about my mom, and how I wish she'd realized she deserved better.

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