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"I need to get my 2nd period notebook out of my locker real quick." I said to Devyn as we exited sociology, "Ima see y'all at lunch."

"Alright." She said, taking Cairo's hand and walking down the hall. "Text me what you want for lunch we're going off campus." She called over her shoulder.

"Alrighty." I semi-yelled back before turning down the hall in the direction of my locker.

I pulled my phone out my back pocket to see that I had a couple text messages from AJ. Ignore.

A couple from my little sister Nani, who was blowing me up with random videos. Reply.

"Alaïa." I heard someone call from behind me.

I looked up at the ceiling and rolled my eyes but continued on my trek to my locker trying to ignore the person calling my name.

"Alaïa, I know you hear me!" I heard him say louder.

I snapped my head around. "Are you stupid or slow? You can't be yelling my name in the hallway like that." I said walking up to him.

"If you answered me I wouldn't have to." Seven replied.

I shook my head. "You not even supposed to be talking to me and you know that." I whispered yelled.

"Why?" He whispered yelled back.

"We go to a school, filled with gang members from The Prophets and The 280's. I don't need none of them going back and telling anybody I'm canoodling in the hallway with you." I said looking around at the few people who were already starting to stare.

"Canoodling? Are you for real right now." He said like he's the one that should be mad. "I don't care about these niggas. I'm damn near the boss and they know that. Matter of fact-" he stopped before looking around the hallway and then grabbing my upper arm and dragging me somewhere.

"Boy if you don't unhand me."

"Shhh." He said before dragging me around the corner pushing me into a supply closet away from prying eyes.

"Are you serious?" I asked as he let go of my arm. "The janitor's closet? Are we in a coming of age movie cause you know dragging girls into these closets is what white people do in movies."

"Shawty be quiet for like 10 seconds." He stressed before feeling on the wall for a light.

He turned on the light and then turned around to look at me.

I didn't realize how small the janitor's closet was and how close we were until just now. If I reached out just a little bit I could-


"Why are we here?" I asked, snapping myself out of it. "And how long are we gonna be because I have a class to go to and it smells like acid in here." I said scrunching up my nose.

"I need to talk to you."

"No I don't wanna talk about what you wanna talk about. Can I go a day without anybody mentioning gang related stuff." I said the second part mainly to myself.

"This isn't about that, this is about us."

I sighed."Ok I don't wanna talk about that either." I said reaching around him to the door handle.

He grabbed the handle and shut the door while I was opening it. "Just hear me out. And I lied, it's also about gang stuff." He said looking down at me.

I smacked my teeth.

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