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"Where my mama at?" I asked as soon as I walked in the door.

"Shower." Aj said, staring at the Tv.

I sat my bags down. "Cool, I need to talk to you." I said.

That piqued his interest. "Me? That's a first. Well a second cause last time you wanted to "talk" you tried to confront me about my business affairs and we know how that ended up and unless you wanna repeat I advise you to leave it alone."

"This isn't about that," I said, getting irritated. "I mean it is but not the way you think." Slowly approaching the coach.

Although there was almost zero chance of him doing something to me while my mama was down the hall you can never be too sure.

"Little girl I done warned you." He said sitting up straight.

"Didn't I just say it isn't the way you think?" I started. "Anyway I realized I was wrong the last time I talked to you and I wanted to apologize for the way I came at you that day. You're right it's not my business."


He raised an abnormally thick eyebrow suspiciously. "Oh really?"

I let out a breath. "Yes really... but I want to make it my business."

His eyes widened just a little bit for about half a second. "How?"

"Well, do you have an heir?" I said with the fakest smile I could muster.

The next thing I heard was booming laughter. So loud it damn near shook our apartment.

"You... HAHAHA... want to join... HAHAH..." he said in between laughs. "Am I getting fucking punked right now?" He looked around searching for invisible cameras while I just stood there with my arm crossed.

He took one more look at me before his laughter slowly subsided. "Oh you're serious."

I nodded.

He rubbed a hand down his face. "What's with the change of heart then huh? I know you didn't just think about this overnight."

"I didn't. I thought that if I could truly understand what you do and how you do it, it probably isn't that bad. My mom stayed with you all these years knowing the truth and I trust her. Plus I've always seen you as a father figure."

Lie again...

The last part almost made me throw up.

He stood up. "Ahh finally." He walked over to me. "I always told your mom you would make a perfect heir but she was always against it of course. You know she won't like this."

"I know." I nodded. "That's why you won't tell her." I narrowed my eyes.

"That's fair." He said, raising his hands up in defense. "The leader of the 280s has a son and he always talks shit about how when I die nobody will take over for me." He laughed again.

"He gone be so sick when he finds out I have an heir and that my heir is a girl." He threw an arm over my shoulder.

I shuddered.

"I cannot wait to make use of you." He said next and instantly made me uncomfortable.

I shrugged his shoulders gently.

"Keep this on the hush but next month we are having a meeting with the 280s to try to end the feud. I know I said I wouldn't but I took your advice and set up a meeting because killing innocent people isn't me Lala." He said, putting a hand over his heart.

Now it was his turn to lie and I could tell just by the tone of his voice. This meeting was about something else.

"And do I have to come to this?" I asked.

"Of course I'll introduce as the heir to The Prophet's . I'll tell you more later but the prophets isn't just shooting, killing and drugs it's a business... a family. I need you to understand that." Standing directly in front of me with his evil eyes piercing into me.

"And there are two things you need to know: You don't betray family and you don't ever raise a gun to family." He said.

I nodded.

"Do you understand?"

I nodded quietly again.

"I need to hear it!" He snapped out of nowhere.

Flinching I said, "I understand." before taking a step back.

He smiled, showing his -too big for his mouth- veneers and rubbed his hands together.

"Ok good." He told me.

I heard the shower turn off.

"Ight gone on we can finish talking about this later." Taking the position he had when I first came in.

I just nodded and grabbed my cheer bag and walked back to my room before pulling my phone to text Devyn once I was sitting on the edge of my bed.

Me: Phase 1 complete...

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