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"Are you sure this is it?" Devyn asked as we pulled up to a house on the outskirts of Decatur. Seven wanted me to meet his folks somewhere a little outside of town. Said it was less of a risk of us getting caught out here. So obviously I had no argument. But I had to bring Devyn along... you know just in case.

"Yea." I said looking at my phone again. "This is the address Seven sent me."

She let out a breath. "Ok then... I guess this is the part where we get out and meet a bunch of trappers."

I laughed. "Trappers really? Could you be any more corny?"

"Not even if I tried." She said with a tight smile.

I got out of the car and waited for Devyn to walk around. "What if it's a set up?" Devyn whispered to me as soon as she reached my side

"Then I guess we die." I shrugged.

She hit my arm. "Lala! I'm being serious."

"Ow." I said rubbing my shoulder. "I am too. I'm sorry, but did you happen to have a gun lying around to protect us with?"

"No." She said looking at her feet in defeat when she realized I was right.

"Ok then... But don't worry it's Seven, we can trust him." I told her while finally walking up the rocky driveway.

"I guess." She responded lowly.

"Don't be scurrd Dev Dev." I flung my arm around my shoulder as we walked up the stairs to the front porch. "We pretty, the hood niggas will love us."

She forced a laugh. "Haha, shut up."

"Just saying." I shrugged.

I knocked on the front door 3 times, and waited as I listened for any sign of life behind the door. A few seconds later I heard the rustling of the doorknob, and a 5'3 boy around our age opened the door.

"I don't remember ordering cheerleaders." He said jokingly while examining our uniforms since we come straight here from practice.

He just admired us for a few seconds before saying, "One of you must be Lala."

"The one and only." I said sheepishly. "And this is Devyn."

He looked at her and looked back at me. "Best friend?"

I glanced at Devyn,"Yep."

"Well come on in." He said, stepping aside to let us through. "I'm Kane by the way but everybody calls me Big K."

"Literally no one calls you that." Seven said as he walked out of what appeared to be the kitchen. "Wassup y'all."

"Hey." We said in unison

Kane walked over to Seven,"Aye bruh you ain't tell me they were fine. I would've cleaned up a little bit or something."

Told you, I mouthed to Devyn.

Whatever, She mouthed back.

"You wouldn't have cleaned shit." Seven started. "And watch out bruh." He said shoving his friend's head away without breaking eye contact with me.

"Watch out?" Kane asked looking at Seven who was looking at me, and then looked at me who was looking back at Seven. "Ohhh." Was all he said.

Seven snapped out of it and looked Kane's way, "Oh what?"

"Nothing bruh." He said while laughing under his breath. "Let's go downstairs."

He led us into the kitchen and through a door that I assumed was the basement. Kane went first with Devyn and I following closely behind and Seven on our heels.

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