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A/N: Hi everyone! Okay, well, this is it... the end of Meant To Be?. I really hope that you enjoyed it. I cried writing this part. Please, please, please comment what you think and feel. Whenever I get a comment, it really makes my day. I'm going to be writing a sequel! Spread the word about this if you can! Thank you for everyone who has read this, seeing the read count go up everyday is something really special. Thank you so so much. I really hoped that you enjoyed this. :'( I'm sad that this book is coming to an end, but I really hope that you will all enjoy the sequel. Thank you.

-Katie x


I joined the boys downstairs, who already had my luggage. I took one last look around the house, remembering the play-fight we had just had the other day. Remembering when I came here with Niall, choosing the room that I wanted him to have. Remembering when I saw him at school that first day. Remembering when we first met. I walked out of the door. It was all too much. I closed the door, remembering when we had first walked inside. I climbed into Louis car, and cried a little into Liam's shoulder. Once all of the boy's, except Niall, were inside, Liam lifted up my head, and cleared his throat. He handed me an envelope. Inside was a picture of all of us the day that we had the paintball fight. I smiled as I remembered. There was also an airplane ticket.

"In case you want to come back," Louis said. I smiled as my eyes watered again.

"I love you guys," I said to them. They smiled, and Louis backed out of the driveway. I watched the complex become a blur. Louis turned on the radio and we all sang along, trying to make the most of these last few hours that we would have together.

We pulled into the airport parking lot. We went through the security, and were ushered off to a side entrance so we wouldn't be mobbed by fans. We had twenty minutes until we were to board the flight. We talked about whatever, just like it was any other normal day. But, there just wasn't that spark in the air that was always present when everyone was together. It was gone. The boys also gave me a new laptop, and a webcam.

"So we can Skype," Zayn said. I nodded and gave them all a hug.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you guys," I said.

"Well," Louis said, "There will be more carrots for me." I smiled and laughed a little.

"And I can finally get rid of all the spoons," Liam said.

"I get to take care of your cat, and have her all to myself," Harry said.

"And I can take your giant mirror," Zayn said. I laughed.

"Well, I guess that I'll have more food in the house," I said. They all smiled.

"Flight 27, you are now boarding," I heard a voice say. Everyone took a deep breath.

"I'm going to really miss England," I said. We boarded the plane that would take me to New York, which is where the boys would leave, and I would take another plane to Utah. We took our seats in first class, and settled down. Liam and Zayn were on each side of me, Harry and Louis were in front of us. Once we could unbuckle, the boys turned around. We talked the whole ride there, which was too short. Too soon, we were told to buckle up again. I gave the boys sad glance as they turned around and prepared to land. Once it was safe, we left the plane. My luggage was to be transferred to the other plane, which would be leaving in half an hour. I looked at the boys, who were all looking at me. All at once, we formed a group hug. I was crying, but I knew that they were too. One by one, I said my goodbyes.

"Zayn?" He lifted up his head. "Don't forget all of the good times we had. Remember when we were doing each others hair while the other boys were doing their vocal practices?" He nodded. "Don't forget that. Never, ever, do anything to your hair unless it's your choice. It's perfect. I love you." I gave him a huge hug, and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too," he said. There were tears in his eyes.

"Hazza?" Harry looked at me. "You'd better take good care of Bella. I'll be checking up on her whenever I can. I love her." He smiled. "Don't you forget the memories that we've had together, either. Remember when you thought that you could teach Bella how to swim?" He chuckled. "Clearly, she can't. Don't go trying it again." I smiled. "And make sure that Louis doesn't get too crazy, okay? I love you, Harry." I gave him a huge hug and kissed his cheek too.

"Love you, Nicole." I ruffled his hair.

"Louis?" He lifted up his head, and was definitely crying the most out of all of them. "Don't grow up, okay? Don't go do something insanely illegal, but don't grow up. You're such a kid at heart. Don't forget any of the memories that we've had, especially the video diaries. I know that you were trying to get me to laugh just so you could introduce me to the fans as Niall's girlfriend, at the time. Don't ever forget Superman, or Jimmy. I love you, Tommo." I gave him a huge hug, and he squeezed me back. I kissed his cheek.

"I love you too, Nicci." I smiled at his use of the nickname he recently gave me that he knew I hated.

"And lastly, Liam." He looked at me. I knew that he was trying not to cry. "Oh, Liam. What can I say? You've always been there for me. Don't forget any of our memories. Ever. Don't go losing those abs either," I said as I poked his stomach. "And make sure that you keep these boys under control. Don't let Zayn go hair crazy, don't let Harry buy a ton more cats, and don't let Louis break the law, or any other extremely crazy thing he'll do. Always be their Daddy Directioner. And look after Niall for me. I love you." I gave him a hug, and kissed his cheek.

"Love you too." He ruffled my hair, and kissed my cheek too.

"Flight 10, please prepare to board."

"I guess... I guess this is goodbye," I said, with tears in my eyes.

"Don't think of it as goodbye. We'll see each other soon," Zayn said. I nodded, and we all had one more group hug.

"I love you guys." I turned around, and took one last look at them before boarding my plane. As the place took off, I saw them at the window waving. I waved back, until the building was just a small speck.

I plugged in my earphones as the plane rose higher, and put on What Makes You Beautiful. The boys recorded it for me, and put it on my phone. I looked through the window, and thought about everything that had happened while I was in England. I had begun to drift off as I heard emergency bells ring. Everyone started the scream. The plane was plummeting to the ground.

"EVERYONE, PLEASE STAY CALM." I heard over the intercom. No one stopped screaming. I looked out the window, and the plane was coming closer to the ground. It slowed down just a little, but then took a nose dive. I was at the very back of the plane, and I was pushed very far back into my seat. I fastened my seat belt. This is it, I thought, I'm going to die. "ATTENTION, PLEASE. SOMETHING WENT WRONG WITH THE PLANE AND...." The voice died out. We were maybe forty feet above the ground, but time seemed to slow. I thought about the boys, and whispered a goodbye. I looked out the window, and thought of Niall. I sent up a small prayer, asking for him to be watched over.

"Goodbye..." I whispered. The plane hit the ground. Everything went black.

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now