Chapter 13

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A/N: Hi everyone! So, thank you for continuing to read my first fanfic! It really means a lot! This chapter is probably the longest one so far, so I hope you enjoy it! Please, comment/fan/vote!

-Katie x

Chapter 13

-----Christmas Eve-----

I don't know how I did it, but I managed to wake up for 8:30. I climbed into the shower, and began to get ready. Once I'm finished, I put on a robe and ate a quick breakfast. Then, I blow dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and all that stuff. Then, I put on my dress. I bought it last week, but Niall doesn't know I have it. It's a crimson red, with sparkles at the end. It's strapless, but fits snugly. It's tight at the top, but spread out toward the bottom. It rests just above my knees. I wear the locket Niall gave me, and a pair of silver, ornament earrings. On my feet, I wear white heels, which give me an extra two inches of height. I took out my curling iron, and curled my hair into little ringlets, but I left it down, so Niall can play with it.... if he wants. After putting on my make-up, I grabbed the bag containing the boys' gifts, except for Niall's. I'd be giving him his tomorrow. I lock the door behind me, and walk over to the complex.

Liam opened the door. (I bet the boys made him the official door opener.) He took one look at me, and a huge smile spread across his face. "Well, you're looking rather gorgeous today," he said. I blush.

"You're looking pretty handsome yourself." He was wearing an adorable little tux. He held out his arm, which I took, linking my arm with his. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and blushed again. He took me into the living room, where they had set up a magnificent tree overnight. I gasped.

"Did...did you guys do this?" I asked breathlessly to Liam. He noded. "It''s like I've just stepped into a fairytale." There was a huge tree adorned with countless ornaments and candy canes, wrapped with popcorn garland. There was fake snow around the whole room. The fireplace was burning and crackling, and mistletoe decorated the ceiling, and hung off of some of the doorways. I look above the doorway, and find a piece hanging down from there. I turned toward Liam, and give him a feather-light friendly kiss. "Thank you," I whispered. He blushed. I walked inside. There were little fake reindeer, and in the corner, a Santa's sleigh packed with gifts. I take mine out and put them on there. Christmas lights outlined the doorways, and even the sofas were replaced with red, plush new ones. There are bowls of candy of the coffee table, with was decorated with fake snowflakes. A little table was tucked in the back, waiting to be filled with breakfast foods. Ornaments hung from the ceiling, and homemade, fake snowflakes were stuck to the windows. "This....this is just amazing." I smiled at Liam. I know it lights up my whole face. "I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything," Liam says, "Just enjoy the moment, here and now." I smiled and hugged him again. He brings me to the center of the room. And in one of the corners that I could not see before, was the other boys....and Nialler.

The other boys moved away as I slowly, as in a dream, made my way toward Niall. He was smiling and waiting. A few feet away, I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. He grabs me, and swings me around. I laugh and laugh and laugh. He puts me down, and said, "Oh look, we're under a big piece of mistletoe." I smiled and give him a huge kiss.

"Ewwww!" Louis screamed. We ignored him.

"Merry Christmas, Nialler."

"Merry Christmas." He took my hand, and we joined the others at the breakfast table. Niall's mom came out of the kitchen, completely loaded with food. We all scrambled to help her, and then we dig in. This was going to be the best Christmas of my life.

By the time everyone else was full, Niall is still going. After his fourth serving, I pulled him away. I sook my head and said, "Tsk tsk, save room for candy." He smiled, and followed me to the couch. Louis came back out with hot chocolate, and we each took a candy cane off the tree. I slowly stirred mine in, watching the swirling patterns. I made a heart, and felt Nialler squeeze my hand. I clinked my mug with everyones, and we drank from them. While my cup is raised to my lips, my phone beeps. It's a text from my mom that reads,

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now