Chatper 10

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading! Please, comment, fan, or vote for my story! I would love to get more reads, and eventually get 100!! Thank you. Enjoy this chapter! There is a little bit of drama!!


Chapter 10

-----One week later-----

School went by very fast that week. Niall and I had the same routine every day. Go to school, work on the project, do homework, and practice the song. Finally, the day of the audition came. I watched them climb onto stage, a huge audience in front of them. Niall was sweating like crazy. My last words to him were, "Have fun." I stood off to the side of the stage and watched. When they began to sing, the whole audience was mesmerized.

Harry hit the last note. All was quiet. Suddenly, the whole room burst into screams and applause. The judges all nodded their heads, and that's all One Direction needed. They were moving on. They all left the stage, and Niall walked right into my waiting arms.

"That was just...beautiful!" I hugged him, then gave the others a hug too. "I...I just can't even..." I smiled. "You're gonna go to the finals. I know it."

When I walked into school the next day, a whole bunch of people were around Niall. When I tried to get through the crowd to him, I was pushed aside. Nina came hurriedly up to me. "Ohmigosh! Did you see Niall's audition last night?!" she squealed.

"I thought you hated him," I replied.

"Did I say that? Psh, no. Him and Liam and Zayn and Harry and Louis, wow. They are to die for. So damn sexy." She pushed her way through the crowd and batted her eyelashes at Niall. "Hey there, Niall. Want to hang at my place after school?" Was she forgetting that Niall was my boyfriend? Luckily, he shook his head.

"I have plans," he said.

"Oh, well, maybe another day." She tweaked his nose and walked toward me. "That's how you get a guy," she said, leaving me speechless. I looked at Niall, to my displeasure, seemed to be enjoying all the attention. I huffed and walked away.

Instead of waiting for him after school, I got right into my car, and drove away. I parked the car in front of my house, and went right up to the complex, and knocked on the door. Liam opened it, and stepped aside, seeing my anger.

"What's wrong Nicole?" he asked. I plopped down on the couch.

"My best friend is flirting with my boyfriend."

Liam sat down next to me. "Doesn't she know that Niall is your boyfriend?" "She does, but like everyone saw your audition last night, and it's like she's forgotten. And I quote, "Him and Liam and Zayn and Harry and Louis, wow. They are to die for. So damn sexy," I said, imitating her voice. Liam nodded.

"She called me sexy?" Liam asked.

"Well, Liam, you're not bad looking. But seriously, what am I supposed to do?" He was quiet. "And even though Niall said no, the look in his eyes when she touched him..." I started to cry on his shoulder. "Everything is a mess." He turned to face me. "Well, I would just give it some time. I mean, he's not used to having so much attention, especially after his parents divorced." I sat up straight.

"His parents divorced?" I asked.

"You didn't know?" Liam replied. I shook my head. "It happened when he was twelve. He was telling me about it. He was such a wreck and didn't talk to anyone. That's why he moved." I didn't say anything. Why didn't he tell me this?

"I'll give it some time." Liam nodded.

"Good. I'll tell Niall you're here when he comes home." I climbed the stairs.

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