Chapter 14

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A/E: Hi everyone! I hope that you've enjoyed the fanfic so far! There is a little bit of drama at the end of the chapter, so enjoy! When I looked today..... 60 reads!! Thank you so much! This really means a lot!


Chapter 14

I blinked open my eyes. It was still dark. I looked at the clock. 5:45 am. My stomach growled. I noticed that Niall was no longer next to me, and I knew that he had the same idea. I walked into the kitchen and saw him rummaging through the refrigerator draws.

"Caught red handed," I said, startling him. I looked at me guiltily. I smiled and said, "I'm hungry too. Did you save anything for me?"

"Of course, babe." He just called me babe! I walk over to him, this time wrapping my arm around him. He grabbed a muffin and handed it to me, along with a glass of milk. I took a bite, savoring the blueberry taste. I leaned against the counter. "What's wrong?" Nialler asked.

"Nothing. It's just so perfect..." He leaned on the counter next to me, with a bagel in his hand. "Are you ready for the finals the day after tomorrow?" He noded. "You guys are gonna do amazing."

"I hope."

"Awwww, Nialler, don't think like that. You will." I gave him a hug. He smiled. "Well, I'm going back to sleep. Are you gonna join me?" He shrugged, and continued to eat. "But.... I'm really cold...." Nialler laughed.

"Come on, you." He picked me up, and carried me to the couch. He set me down, and then followed, wrapping me in a big hug. "Better?"

"Much," I replied as I scooted closer. I closed my eyes, and fell back asleep.

I woke up to Niall's lips on mine. I was enjoying the moment, until I heard a soft snore emitted from him. I quickly broke away, and shook him awake.




"Niall, the snow is so high over the door that we cannot get out and there is no more food in the house."

"WHAT??" He eyes shot open. He was completely panicked.

"Kidding!" He frowned at my laughter.

"Not funny."

"You're right. It's hilarious." The other boys were upstairs so Niall and I could have some alone time. He smiled, and pressed his lips to mine.

"Better?" he says sarcastically?"

"Much," I replied. The fireplace was on, and it was nice and toasty. I could feel my eyes drooping again. Why was I so tired? I felt like I was under a spell. I could feel Niall sleeping again next to me, so I fell back asleep. For the first time in a while, I dreamt about him. I knew that I was smiling.

The next time I woke up, I was determined not to fall back asleep. It was eleven. Niall was awake, but pretending to be asleep. I tapped him, and his eyes opened. He smiled and said,

"Merry Christmas, Nicole."

"Merry Christmas, Nialler." We both reluctantly rolled off the couch. I walked over to the sleigh, and grabbed his gifts. I handed them to him. He looked adorable, like he was five. I leaned on his shoulder while he opened them. He smiled when he saw the Nando's giftcard, and laughed at the poster. When he opened the jeans, he just stared at them, then playfully pushed me away. I crawled back over to him, and pecked his cheek. He opened the bag with the hat, which he immediately put on, then also put on the polo I gave him. He put aside the chocolate, which I was sure he would eat soon, and the iPhone case. The last gift was the furby. When he opened it, he looked confused.

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