Chapter 4

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A/N: Hi everyone! So, again, thank you so much for reading my fanfic, it means so much! Please feel free to comment anything you think I should improve on! Thank you!


Chapter 4


I woke up, still thinking about the wonderful dream I had about Ash as I got dressed for my first official day at school. In my mind, I could still see his lips pressed up against mine. Why did we have to move? I missed his slightly long brown hair and his golden eyes. Oh Ash, I thought, I hope that you're thinking about me too. I sighed and walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

Before getting out of the car, I checked my schedule. I had World History first, in room 108. I took a deep breath, and climbed the stairs for the second time. I went to my locker to grab my books. When I closed the door, Niall was standing there. I gasped. "Ohmigosh, you scared me!" He chuckled.

"You say that a lot."

"You say I'm hungry all the time, so I wouldn't be talking."

"A little sassy today?" I smiled. He disappeared into the crowd as someone else took his place.

"Hi!" she said, "I'm Nina, you're Nicole, right?" I nodded, taking in her appearance. Her perfect, black wavy hair and dark brown eyes that almost looked black. Yup, definitely an A-list person. She looked behind me, following where Niall went with her eyes. "Were you just talking to Niall Horan?" she sweetly asked. Again, I nodded. "Oh. Well, um.... maybe you shouldn't talk to him."

"Why not?" I asked. "He's just so, quiet. You can tell he's hiding something major. That's why he's talking to you, cause you haven't been, you know, warned about him yet." She smiled. "Get what I mean?"

"Oh, yeah," I said, a little disappointed, "I hear you loud and clear."

"So, do you want to sit with me at lunch?" she asked. I could already tell that she was trying to figure out if I was popular girl material.

"Sure!" I brightly said,

"See you there!" I turned around and walked toward my class. I could feel Niall's gaze burning a hole right through me. He can't control who you talk to, Nicole, I told myself. I entered my classroom, with everyone's gaze on me. It's gonna be a long day, I thought, but it will be worth it.

"Hey," I looked up from my desk. History was almost over, we had five minutes until the bell, and I was trying to do some of my homework. A cute boy with blonde hair was looking down at me.

"Hi," I said.

"So, you're the new girl, right? From America?" I nodded. "I'm Josh. Smashin' shoes, by the way." I smiled.

"Thanks." I absolutely loved Toms, I wore them all the time. Today, I was wearing my white ones.

"So, do you have any plans after school today?" he asked.

"Well, I might. I have to work on my science project with Niall...."

"Horan?" I nodded. "How'd you get stuck with him?"

"He asked the teacher to be my partner. I had met him on the flight here. I thought that it was nice of him." Josh laughed.

"Hang out with me tonight and my buddies tonight. Just tell Niall," he gagged as he said his name, "That you have other plans." I thought for a moment, then agreed. "Nice," he said, "I hope that you like football."

"I'm American, of course I do."

"No... what do you call it? Soccer?"

"Oh," I said, "I like that too." He smiled.

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now