Chapter 16

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A/N: Hi everyone! I checked this morning... 118 reads!! Oh my gosh! I'm so happy, thank you everyone! This is truely amazing. :) I hope you enjoy this part! Please comment/fan/vote! Just so everyone knows, there will be a sequel! Enjoy!

-Katie x

Chapter 16

"Harry..." Niall said walking in. He stared at us.


"Sorry, Hazza."

"Sorry about that Nikki."

"I'm not. Niall is my boyfriend."

"What are you talking about?" Niall asked. "I've never seen you before in my life!" I took out my colored contacts, and unzipped the hoodie. Niall and Harry stared at me.

"Nicole!?" Harry yelled.

"Harry!!! You were gonna kiss my girlfriend!"

"No! I didn't know that it was her!" I laughed.

"Surprise?" I smiled. Niall walked over and gave me a hug.

"Sorry, Harry."

"It's okay." He walked away. Once he left, Niall looked at me and tapped his foot.

"And you were gonna let him kiss you?"

"Um, no. I was gonna tell him, but then you walked in.

"Good. Cause only I am allowed to kiss you." I smiled.

"I know, Nialler."

"Good. Now, I need to go and get ready, beautiful." He kissed my cheek and walked away.

I smiled. I walked over to one of the mirrors, and I felt relieved once I saw that my hair not been wrecked. I sat down on the couch and took out my phone. Louis came through the door.

"Hello, love." He smiled. "Harry just told me what happened, and I cracked up laughing. I almost spit out my carrot, but I wasn't, luckily, laughing too hard." I smiled.

"I do believe that you fell for it too."

"Well, I knew it was you all along, but I didn't want to tell anyone."

"Sure you did, Louis. Go finish getting ready. You want to be wearing a matching outfit for the cameras, don't you?" He nodded vigorously and quickly walked away. He was soon replaced by Zayn.

"Vas appening?" I laughed, still not used to what he sounded like when he said that.

"Nothing much, you?"

"Still surprised that you were able to make us believe that you were a crazy hot fan who Harry liked." I fluffed my hair.

"I am a pretty good... did you just say that I looked hot?"

"Yes, love. Actually, today, your hair might look better than mine!" I rolled my eyes but pecked his cheek then pushed him.

"Go away before someone breaks your mirror." He laughed and walked off. And was replaced by Liam. Why couldn't I get any quiet?

"Are you guys like lined up by the door so you can talk to me privately?" I asked incredulously.

Liam nodded and replied, "Harry is next, and is hoping that you'll disguise yourself again so he will have an excuse to kiss you." I laughed. "You we're a smashing actress though."

"Thanks. But it didn't take much acting."

"What do you mean?"

"If I hadn't met Niall, I would probably be in the crowd holding one of those signs."

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now