Chapter 2

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A/N: Hi Everyone! I hope that you enjoyed the first part of my fanfic, and thanks for reading! I'm still getting used to this wesite, so I'm sorry if the chapters aren't in order, or if there is a missing chapter, or if there are no chapters! Thank you, and please, comment/vote/fan! Thanks!


Chapter 2


            "Have a good day, sweetie!" My mom yelled from her car window.

            "Love you!" I called back.

            "Love you, too!" She responded as she drove away. Here goes nothing, I thought, as I trudged up the stairs leading to my new high school. I walked into the office. Thank God that it was the first room, since I had no idea where I was going. The secretary looked up and smiled at me.

            "You must be Nicole." I smiled back and nodded. "Okay, so this is your schedule. Your locker number and combination is also on there. Your locker is on the second floor, near the middle. Just follow the numbers. The hundred digit of the room that your class is located in specifies what floor it is one. Winchester High has four floors, one floor for the lockers of each class. Your first class is in room 308, so that is on the third floor. I believe that you are going to science.... yup. So, here is a pass for you. Head to your locker, then to class. Have a great day!" She sent me on my way.

            I followed the signs in the hallway, and luckily I stumbled upon a flight of stairs. I climbed them to the second floor, and found my locker, number 286. I put all of my books and notebooks inside, and decorated it with some pictures from Vermont. Once I was satisfied, I shut the door. I retraced my steps to the stairs, and proceeded to room 308.

            I quietly knocked on the door. The teacher, still talking, walked over and opened it. I handed her my pass. She smiled at me and stopped her lecture to introduce me. "Class, this is Nicole, our new student from America." Everyone's eyes were on me. I looked above their eyes so it appeared that I was looking at them. Most of the people seemed nice, judging by their appearances. And the guys, being guys, were already checking me out, judging if I was girlfriend material and whatever else goes on in their heads. The teacher pointed me toward my seat, and continued to talk. When I sat down, the boy in front of me turned around, and I was looking into a familiar set of sparkling, blue eyes.

             "Hey," Niall said. I smiled.

            "Hey." He turned around. The teacher gave him a squint, but continued to talk. I couldn't believe it. I actually knew someone in this school, even though I met him on an airplane. I took out a notebook and my favorite pen. The teacher was explaining a project to the class. We would be working in pairs, which she would assign, and be completing an experiment. Most of the class groaned, but the teacher didn't pay attention to them. She started to read the list of partners. I waited to hear my name, but I heard Niall's instead.

            "Niall Horan..." Before she could say who he would be working with, he interrupted her saying,

            "Could I work with Nicole since she's new?" The teacher gave him a suspicious look, but agreed. He turned around and smiled. The class also turned around, giving me apologetic looks, and Niall disgusted ones. Although I was confused, I mouthed the words, thank you, to him.

            "Let's take the last five minutes before the bell rings to meet with our partners and discuss on a topic. I would like to know everyone's topics by tomorrow before the school day is over," my teacher said. Everyone scrambled toward their partners, while Niall simply turned around in his chair.

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now