Chapter 18

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the 147 reads and 15 votes!!! I'm so amazed ad excited! Thank you! Please enjoy this chapter, the story is coming to an end! I'm so sad and I cried writing the epilouge, which will be up soon! Enjoy and please comment what you think!!!!

-Katie xx

Chapter 18

-----New Year's Eve-----

"Streamers, check. Food, check. Drinks, check. Stage, check. Chairs, check. Guest list is with Paul, who is outside, check. Everything else, check," I mumbled to myself as I walked through the house again. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"You have everything under control, babe." He kiss my temple. "Now quit worrying and go change. Everyone will be here in two hours." I nodded and ran up the stairs. I heard his laughter behind me as I replied,

"Do not eat any of the food! Control yourself Niall!" I went into my closet, and pulled out the dress I was saving for today. It was a light, but not too light, blue, and was strapless. The top was tight, but the skirt filled out at the bottom. It had a moon pattern made of jewels, with other jewels and sparkles on the rest of the dress. I took a quick shower, and blow-dried my hair. I curled it, and pinned it to the side. I attached some silver jeweled barrettes to complete the took. I applied a small amount of make-up, then slipped on my dress. I wore a pair of silver strappy heels to go along with it. I would be almost as tall as Niall in them. I looked in the mirror, and I was satisfied. I walked downstairs, feeling like a princess. The boys were all at the bottom in cute tuxes. My smiled brightened when I saw Niall. He looked just adorable. His gaze met mine, and he broke out into a smile. Louis whistled.

"You look gorgeous, Nicole," Niall said as I walked up to him. I smiled.

"You are looking pretty handsome, too." His lips met mine, and they molded together perfectly. For the first time, his tongue licked my lip, asking for entrance. I began to grant it, but was interrupted by Louis screaming,

"Get a room you too! Too much PDA!" I laughed at Louis and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and did the same for the other boys. I heard the door open in the background.

"Ready, Nicole?" Niall asked. I nodded, and took a deep breath.

People began to flow inside the house constantly. How many people were invited? I thought. I stood by the inside of the door, greeting people. Soon, I was exhausted. The "congrats on coming in third place on the X factor and getting a record deal and new year's party" was off to a great start, but it was only two hours in, and I was ready to crash. The boys were really helpful, but I was running around everywhere. At 11, everything began to calm down a little. Everyone gathered around the stage where the boys would be preforming. I stood at the front, chatting with a few people. Soon, the lights dimmed (Thank you Paul) and the boys came onto stage. Everyone began to cheer.

"Hey everyone! We're One Direction, and we just want to thank everyone here for supporting us during the X Factor!" Harry shouted.

"We're also glad that you all liked our video diaries!" Louis said. Everyone laughed.

"So, we would like to announce..... Uncle Si has signed us with a record deal!" Liam said. The crowd cheered

"Like I had said, the X Factor wouldn't be the last of us!" Zayn said.

"So, for the first time in front of a large audience, we would like to preform our very first song. I wrote it, and this is What Makes you Beautiful," Niall said, grinning at me.

"You're insecure,

don't know what for,

you're turning heads when you walk through the door,

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now