Chapter 6

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Hi everyone! So, I just want to thank you soooo much for reading my fanfic. I have 20 reads, and I only put this up 2 days ago! Thank you so much! And thank you to everyone who has commented, your comments really made my day. :) Thank you. I'm sorry that this part is very short! Anyways, enjoy!


PS: Just so you know, I do not have anything against the celebrities I cast as the "bad guys." :)

Chapter 6

He let me go. I looked at Niall, and he quietly said, "I thought you said you didn't want to hurt me." He stood up, and began to walk away.

"Nialler, no! Don't leave! Stay!"

"Nicole, you broke my heart once, and I forgave you. This, this is just too much." "It's not what it seems."

"Don't lie to me." Ash was standing there awkwardly.

"I'm not. Ash isn't my boyfriend."

"I'm not?" Ash said. My eyes went wide.

"Ash, shut up right now. Just shut up."

"Oh, Nicole, baby..."

"Don't you dare call me your baby!" My eyes flared. "I told you that I didn't want to have a long distance relationship! I told you!"

"Is that why you called me in the middle of the night?"

"I did that once! Cause I missed you, as a FRIEND. There is a huge difference." "Oh really? I don't see one." He moved toward me again.

"I think that you still love me, but you just don't wanna admit it." He pushed me up against a wall. "Come on Nicole, just tell Ash that you love him." He locked his lips with mine. I squirmed, and tried to stop him from reaching up my shirt, but, I couldn't push away, I just couldn't. I knew that Niall was gone. Forever. He wasn't coming back.

When I thought that all was lost, I felt Ash go limp against me. Niall was standing behind him, his fist still clenched. I look down at Ash, and saw the beginning of a bruise on his neck. I stared at Niall.


"No, I'm sorry. I should've believed you."

"But, you didn't."

"I'm sorry." I just shook my head.

"Why would I lie to you?"

"I... I don't know." I shook my head again.

"That just breaks my heart." I looked at Niall who was...crying. Oh my gawd, he was crying. "No, Nialler, no..." I stepped toward him, making sure I stepped on Ash, hard, in the process. "Don't cry...." This time, I wiped the tears off his face. "Don't cry..." He pressed his lips on mine, this time, no interruptions. I think fireworks were going off in my head. Suddenly, I broke away. "Niall..." He knew something was wrong, I didn't call him Nialler like I had all day. "I...just.... please. Go home. I can't take this right now. And please, do something about Ash." And I just walked away.

Nothing perfect ever lasts.

The rest of the week, I avoided Niall. Ash was in... help. I hoped I would never see that boy again. The days came and gone, until it was Friday. I woke up, remembering that it was Niall's audition day. I got up and ready to go to school, and hoped in my car. I drove, but as I was about to turn into the school, I changed my mind and continued to head straight. I turned around, and sped away, in the direction of the auditions for the X-Factor.

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now