Chapter 8

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A/N: Hi!!!! I just wanna say thank you.... 24 reads! This means so much! Enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 8

I opened up the door. Niall was already staring at me, well my dress, but same thing. "Hey," I said.

"Are, ready to go?" Niall was still staring at my dress. I nodded and climbed in. "Your dress looks nice," he stammered as he was still staring down it. I laughed and smiled. He finally tore his eyes away from me and backed out of the driveway. I made a mental note, wear this dress as often as possible. He sped down the road.

When we got to the stage, there were even more people than yesterday. The wait to get inside was probably at least four hours. Niall spotted the other boys, and we met them before going to stand in line. I smiled at them. Before anyone could say anything, Harry's phone rang. "Where are you guys?!" a booming voice demanded. "We're waiting in line, Simon," Harry calmly replied in a slow, British accent. Those accents would never get old.

"Damn lines," Simon uttered, "No. You do NOT wait in lines. Come to the front NOW." He hung up. I laughed.

"Simon Cowell, everyone," Harry said. We all laughed, and slowly (just to annoy Simon), made our way up to the front of the line. Niall held my hand the whole way. The guards let us in, and the chaos began.

We walked into the main room, and maneuvered our away around the contestants. One Direction received their numbers, and were notified that they were up in five minutes. "Nicole, don't you dare leave," Niall joked.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Nialler." I kissed him. "For good luck." He smiled, and I let him ago, and watched him leave with the other boys. Then, I ran to the side of the stage to watch them perform.

I had my fingers crossed the entire time. I don't think I even breathed. When they hit the final note, all was silent. The judges started clapping. "You made it," one of the said into their microphone. That was my cue. I ran onto stage and jumped into Niall's arms. I gave him a huge hug and a lovely, and rather long and sexy, kiss. Liam had to break us apart because the next person was up. I took Niall's hand. Into my ear, he whispered,

"We'll finished that tonight, after dinner." I smiled and blushed. The guys were staring at us. We were wrapped in our own little cloud.

"So, we'll all meet at the complex tomorrow?" Harry asked. The others nodded. "Then, paintball?"

"Totally," Liam replied. "Nicole, do you want to come too?"

"Sure!" I smiled. Paintball with the guys. So much fun.

"See ya tomorrow," Harry said. They all left, leaving me and Niall standing there.

"Are you ready?" he asked. I nodded, and grasped his hand harder. He smiled, and we walked away.

"Nandos?" I asked Niall as he pulled up to a restaurant.

"You've never heard of Nandos?" he asked, so surprised.

"Umm, no. I don't even know if that even exists in the United States." Niall frowned.

"Nicole, you haven't lived. You are very lucky that you met me." I laughed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"I know." He smiled.

"Ready for your very first dinner at Nando's?" I nodded.

"Good. Cause I'm a regular here, and they know exactly what I like. You are about to become the luckiest girl in the world." But I already am, I thought, as he whisked me away.

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now