Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey everyone! I checked this morning and... wow. Forty reads!!! Thank you so much, and to those of you who have told other people about my story, a special thanks to you. :) Well, here is chapter 11! There is drama in it, and I hope you enjoy! Please comment your thoughts, and fan! Thanks!


Chapter 11

"Heeeeyyyyy guuurrrrrllllll!" she practically yelled. "Did you forget about me?!" I laughed and said,

"Of course not! I've just been kinda busy trying to catch up to everyone else!" She smiled.

"Everyone misses you."

"I miss everyone too. But I've made some new friends." She nodded.

"Did you see the latest X-Factor episode?" I shook my head.

"You didn't?!"

"Nope. I was there." She squealed.

"Did you see One Direction perform!!!??? My heart melted!" I smiled.

"Niall goes to my school."

"Jealous!" she sang.

"And, he's my boyfriend." She was silent. "Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh! EEEEEEEPPPPPPPP!!!! What's he like? Have you seen the other guys?! What are they like? Is Harry that cute in person?" And the questions kept coming. I laughed.

"I see them all the time; they live next door."

"You are soooo luckeeee! I'm so jealous, but happy, of you!!!" We talked for another hour, and I promised to get them to sign a pic of them for her. Once she was happy, we signed off. I couldn't help but wonder, if everyone is like her, will I ever have Niall to myself again? I lied down in bed, and fell asleep.

I walked up the steps to school, and walked to my locker. If it was possible, there was an even bigger crowd in front of my locker. I couldn't get to it, so I gave up. Luckily, I had all the books for my first class. I quickly turned away. I couldn't bear seeing all those girls practically hanging off of Niall and whispering sweet nothings, that literally meant nothing, into his ear. I stomped off the class. I could feel Niall's gaze on me, boring into my neck. I didn't care. I just kept going. I dropped off the poster in the science room, and walked into math.

"And the square of 56 can easily be figured out in your head..." I jerked myself awake for like the fifth time. We had already covered this unit in Vermont. I doodled on my notebook. It was already filled with hearts and my name and Nialler's name. I sighed. I wouldn't see him today. He texted me during his lunch period, saying that they had received a call from Harry and Harry said that they needed to practice their next audition song today and tomorrow. I sighed. Niall promised that after the audition on Saturday, we would do something fun. I was looking forward to it, and it was all that would probably keep me going through the week. When the bell signaling the end of the day finally rung, I ran to my locker. I wanted to beat the crowd, but at the same time, I wanted to see Niall alone, even if just for a few seconds.

I grabbed my last book and shut my locker. I squeezed Niall hand. He opened his mouth to say something, but it, and his eyes, were quickly covered by some senior girl. "Guess who?" She asked.

"Umm.. Kara."

"Yes!" she smiled and gave him a hug, then kissed his cheek. That was my signal to walk away. I ignored Niall, who was calling my name. Apparently, he had other matters to attend to.

I drove to the complex again. Liam answered the door. "Don't you have school?" I jokingly asked.

"Online classes. Don't you ever have anything to do after school?"

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now