Chapter 7

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A/N: Hi again, everyone! All I have to say is... wow. Thank you so much! I'm up to 23 reads now, and it really means a lot. Thank you to the people who fan me, the people who read this, the people who vote, the people who comment, and the people who read these author's notes! I really hope that you enjoy this part, and have enjoyed the parts before, and please give me your honest feedback! Thanks!

-Katie :)

Chapter 7

I had never seen so many people in my life. I went inside. The security guards stopped me, but I said I was here to see someone who was auditioning. They checked the names, and let me in, telling me that his audition was about to start. I ran to the stage, just in time to watch from the side. He sang the saddest song I've ever heard. I knew that he was talking about me. When he finished, I held my breath. "I'm sorry, but not this season," was all that was said. He started to cry. And I knew that if I hadn't been so mean, he would've made it. He walked off stage, and into my arms.

"Nialler, don't cry. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." That got him to finally stop. He sniffed.

"Nicole, no. It's not your fau..." I silenced him with a kiss.

"Nialler, if the offer is still there, I still wanna be your girlfriend." He looked at me for a moment, and I thought that the answer was going to be no.

"Yes. It's still there." I smiled, and hugged him. Someone tapped Niall on the shoulder. When he turned around, Simon Cowell was standing there.

"Are you Niall Horan?"

"Nialler," I said so only Niall could hear. He smiled and nodded.

"Come with me."

"Um, could she come with me too?" Niall asked. Simon nodded.

"Already having fans I see." He turned without waiting for a response. I rolled my eyes. Niall firmly grasped my hand, and we followed Simon.

He led us into a room, where four other, also gorgeous, guys were waiting. I sat down next to Niall, feeling awkward being the only girl. "Okay, boys. I was impressed with your auditions, and I'm sorry that you didn't make it. But, being the kind man I am," I snorted, covering it with a cough, "I've decided to form you guys into a band. How does that sound?" Awkward silence. "I know you boys don't know each other, but I think this will be a great idea. I'm taking that silence as a yes. I need to go now, so I want you to come up with a name. Oh, and you guys are moving into this complex on 8th ave." Ohmigosh, that's my street, I thought. I knew Niall was thinking the same thing. Simon shut the door. No one spoke. The curly-haired boy spoke first.

"I'm Harry," he said in a British accent. Next, Niall spoke.


Then a guy with black hair. "Zayn."

Then, the one with rather long hair, but a lighter brown. "Liam."

Lastly, the boy with suspenders. "Louis." They just looked at each other. "Nicole..." I said quietly. "I didn't audition though." More silence. Finally, they started to talk, giving each other ideas for a name.

"How about One Direction?" Harry suggested. Everyone agreed. Personally, I loved it. Simon came back into the room. Liam told him the name. He actually liked it. Well, I think he did. He nodded, which was a good sign.

"Okay, boys. Start packing. Tomorrow, you're moving to the complex." The complex, I thought.... ohmigosh, Niall was going to live next door to me.

Simon closed the door, but seconds later opened it. "Oh, and you boys are auditioning tomorrow. Pick a song, rehearse, then you can go." He left again. This time, I decided to speak up.

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