Chapter 17

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A/N: Hello everyone! Well, the story will be coming to a close very soon! I really hoped you enjoyed it, and I can't wait for the sequel! Please, comment what you think, and thank thank thank you for the 143 reads, and the four fans I have!!! Thanks!! Enjoy!!


Chapter 17

I woke up the next morning, looking right into Niall's face. I smiled. He was adorable when he was asleep. I moved a little, causing him to wrap his arms even tighter around me. I squirmed a little, trying to get out of his death grip. His eyes popped open.

"Squeezing your girlfriend to death, are you?" I kissed his nose. He released his grip on me, allowing me to get up. I smiled. "You should get up and start to get ready," I said to him.

"Why? We have time."

"No we don't, you silly little leprechaun. It's already past one." His eyes widened as he realized what I was saying. I laughed and went into the closet to choose my outfit. I grabbed a floral print, strapless, Hollister dress and a pair of gold gladiator sandals. I went into the bathroom to get ready.

I blow-dried my hair, and curled it so it lay in soft ringlets down my back. I looked into the mirror, and decided that I wouldn't use make-up. The words from Niall's song came into my head, and I smiled. I hummed the tune as I slipped on the dress and a pair of earrings. I walked down the stairs, surprised to find the smell of breakfast meet me. I looked in the kitchen. Niall was cooking something.

"Morning, Niall." He looked at me and did a double take.

"You're not wearing make-up!" I blushed.

"I look terrible, don't I?"

"Never, ever say that, Nicole! You look gorgeous." I blushed again and walked over to him. I pecked his cheek.

"What are you making?"


"With waffle batter?" He looked confused, and then looked at the batter box. I laughed and carried the waffle maker over.

"Thanks, babe."

"You're welcome." He plugged it in and poured in the batter. I scrubbed out the "pancakes" from the frying pan. The smell became stronger, and all the other boys came rushing out of their rooms. By the time two waffles were done, they were all sitting at the table. I laughed at the eager looks on their faces. "Don't get your hopes up, Niall made them, thinking that they were pancakes."

"Can't you read, Niall?" Liam asked.

"Shut up." We all laughed. I helped him finished the waffles, and we had a nice breakfast. I looked at the boys who had become my family over the last few months. I was so proud of them. Once we finished, everyone else got ready. We all hopped into the car, and at my request, Louis drove us to the hospital.

"Natalie Vachon," I said to the receptionist. She nodded and unlocked the door for me. I ran down the hallway into her bedroom. My mom was still lying in bed, looking even more frail, if that was possible. There were doctors in the room again. They heard me come in.

"Nothing new," one of them said to me before I could ask. I nodded. They left the room and were replaced by One Direction. I sat down on the bed and sniffed. Niall wrapped an arm around me as Zayn closed the door. I looked at her face and held her hand.

"Will, will you guys sing for her? Please?" I sniffed again. Niall looked at the boys, and they all nodded.

"What do you want us to sing?" Louis asked.

"I don't know if you know it... but Don't Stop Believin?" He nodded. Niall stoop up. I lied down next to my mom as they started to sing.

"Just a small town girl

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now