Chapter 3

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you all for reading my fanfic! I hope that you enjoyed it so far! Please comment what you liked and didn't like and fan me! Thank you!


Chapter 3

It was impossible for me to fall asleep that night. I closed my eyes, and I was exhausted, but I just couldn't do it. At two, I gave up and turned on my phone. I scrolled through my contacts, and clicked on the number that I wanted.

"Hello?" Ash answered.

"Hey, its me." I heard him softly laugh.

"At two in the morning in England?"

"I couldn't sleep," I replied, "I miss you."

"I miss you too. It's pretty lonely here without you." I smiled, forgetting that he couldn't see me. "Nicole?"

"I'm still here."

"So, how is everything?"

"Dull," I replied, "I really miss everyone."

"I gotta go, Nicole. I'm really sorry, I'm meeting Tara and some friends later on tonight."

"Oh, right, it not that late there. Okay, have fun."

"Bye." I heard him blow me an air kiss. I smiled and hung up. I hugged my iPhone to my chest. It was so nice to hear Ash's voice again. My eyes were beginning to well up. I climbed out of bed and silently walked downstairs. I grabbed a chocolate bar from the fridge, then returned to my room. I flicked on the TV and looked through all of my favorite channels. I passed by a commercial for the new season of the X-Factor, which was starting within the next month, or few months, depending on if the directors ever decided when to start it. I'd never seen it before, but all my friends back in Vermont absolutely loved it. I stopped on Food Network. Cupcake Wars was on. It was one of my favorite shows, since I loved to make cupcakes. I closed my eyes while the TV was on in the background. Finally, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up at 11. My TV was still on. I walked down the stairs, almost tripping. Luckily, I caught myself. I didn't need any broken bones for my first week in England. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After finishing, I went back up into my room to change. I didn't want to put on anything that could possibly get ruined. I decided on a light green baby tee with a pair of light denim jeans, with a few rips in them. I put my hair up in a ponytail and completed the look with a pair of silver dangle earrings and gray converse sneakers. I checked my reflection in the mirror. Once I was satisfied, I went into the kitchen. My mom had left a note that said that she had to go to a last minute meeting, and she wouldn't be back until late tonight. I smiled as I opened the fridge. Luckily, my mom had gone grocery shopping yesterday, so the fridge was fully stocked. Hopefully, there was enough food for Niall. I grabbed as much as I could carry and dumped it in my room. I took my phone out of my back pocket, and called Niall.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, it's Nicole."

"Hey," he responded.

"Sooo...... Do you want to, uh, come over now?"


"Okay, cool! See you in a bit!" I hung up. A few seconds later, my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Nicole, you kinda hung up without giving me your address."

"Oh, uh sorry." I told him. He chuckled.

"Thanks, see you in a bit."

"Ditto." He hung up. I'm so stupid, I thought, only I would forget to give someone who I just met my address. I walked down the stairs, and waited for the doorbell to ring.

Meant To Be? {editing} (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now