chapter fifteen| sh*t.

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It is not stranger danger, or not letting random people in your house thing anymore, Jisung just like other people care about people but he also puts himself first, and it is normal. I know that you are wondering why did he let Hyunjin, especially that he knew he is from the hospital so there is a high chance he might be "crazy" or "dangerous", well no, things do not work that way, Jisung visited Minho, he has seen how everything going on there, and even if he did not he is an adult, he has comment sense, he knew Hyunjin needs help so he offered his help. 

it was already 8 pm, but Hyunjin felt sleepy, weird, he usually has a hard time sleeping with or without his pills, he can't be just tired, he never gets tired he is full of energy. Jisung noticed how tired Hyunjin looks, his eyes halfway to be closed, his head pounce left, right, up, and down, his arms look like they're numb he can tell just by looking at them that they felt heavy, the frame almost fell out of his hand, he looked down.

"You can spend the night, I know it has been hard to stay all that time outside with no company" Jisung stood up and helped Hyunjin to get into the right and comfortable position and covered him with Minho's blankets.

Jisung noticed that Hyunjin still holding on to Minho's photo frame as hard as he can, he is even hugging it, he won't want to let go he found It cute so he let him have it, like have it for real.

Jisung made sure that Hyunjin is asleep, after he did he went downstairs outside his house, right out the back door, just to make a phone call because he is sure that Hyunjin has a good hearing, he knew he'll regret making this call but it is for everyone's own good.

"Hey, hi, I found him," Jisung said to his phone with a frown feeling like his heart eating itself out of regret "do not come now, he is asleep, come after two days, trust me, it would be easier for both of us, he already started to get tired, he won't get his energy until like a week," Jisung suggested, he knows enough information, just like how Hyunjin was out for 3 days and four nights, he knows what he has, and is age, you want to know how he knew all of those things? they just told him just to make sure he knows to know how to deal with Hyunjin's condition.

He went back in, he closed all lights and thought of Minho, how is he, how did he knew Hyunjin, how they communicated if none of them well you know talk, it's just a weird friendship, so weird.


next morning

Hyunjin did not wake up, not until 12noon, it was weird for him to wake up that late. He looked around to see where is he, he saw Minho's photo frame in his hands hugging it tightly, he smiled but that smile just went away, no reason, he did not think of anything, or remembered anything bad, his head was just blank, he did not feel like going out of bed so he just stayed there.

after two hours Jisung checked on Hyunjin, he knows he should have checked earlier, but he just wanted Hyunjin to wake whenever he liked then come down to eat his breakfast, but he didn't show up at his kitchen so he went up and checked.

He opened the door and looked tp where Minho's bed is, there Hyunjin was, his eyes wide open, just blinking while holding Minho's photo frame quietly. "Hey, do you want me to bring you breakfast?" Jisung asked just for Hyunjin to shake his head as a way to say no " Do you wanna change your clothes and go for w walk with me?" Jisung asked another question wanting to get something out of Hyunjin but yet again Hyunjin shook his head once again. "what do you want then?" Jisung asked his final question, but as Jisung know Hyunjin's head shook was coming, he went up to him and tried moving him to get up, he did not expect Hyunjin's skinny body to be that strong!

"You need to eat something!" Jisung said as he was trying to pull Hyunjin out of bed, but it was useless, he did not know what he should do. leave Hyunjin? Force him? He just did not know what to do...

"let's make a deal, I get your food for you and you have to eat it, and I let you keep the frame and," Jisung stopped there for a sec to think of something, " and...and... and you can come here whenever you like" Jisung prayed that Hyunjin would agree, he can't just let him starve even more.

no one talked, Hyunjin was thinking, it was a great offer, he wanted to pass, but it's Minho... he agreed.

Hyunjin got up and nodded his head, he went down staris with Jisung and eat breakfest and heard some childhood stories of Jisung and Minho, all of that seemed cute and stuff, Hyunjin still did not feel good...

his deeprssing  epsiods started...



how was it?

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