Chapter Eight| Here we go again.

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I think my chapters will be shorters. like the maximum of words, I can get is 1.6k I hope you still find this story good.


"coming though! please move! move! move!" a whole set of doctors and nurses all covered up with makes, and eyeglasses, there not a single skin was shown or touched. they were pushing a bed that had Minho on it, he was unconscious but yet he was breathing heavily, his face was red and his neck, well, it was big, like really big.

They entered the surgery room and started the operation as fast as they could, they were trying so hard to save Minho.

flashback to what happened to Minho

Minho was in his room, as usual just playing on his phone, eating, taking his meds, while he was doing that, then he felt his throat itch, he did not think much of it because it is normal for it to itch, days passed and the itching started getting worse and Minho started to throw up what he eats and did not eat. sometimes blood,

He had enough from the start so he was about to sleep and for the next morning he was planning on telling the doctor, but he did not wake up, it was almost 24 hours until someone noticed.

he was still throwing up blood in his sleep, but no one heard because of how busy everyone is, it took them 24 hours to noticed Minho, they thought because he is in his room he will be okay regardless of his sickness, very dangerous sickness.

"coming though! please move! move! move!" One doctor yelled as loud as he could and entered the room and started the surgery.


people in the halls were shocked, Minho looked pale and skinny, his blood was still coming out, yes ladies and gentlemen, this is how Minho suffer. they all saw it, they felt bad for him, somewhere praying to god for his life to be saved, some did not know what to do they already have so much to do than thinking of Minho.

"Did you know what happened to Minho!" The boy with the freckles ran up to Hyunjin's room and yelled at the tall boy loud enough so he could hear him, little did he know that Hyunjin heard him from a long-distance away.

"Did you know what happened to Minho" Felix sked again, since he knew that Hyunjin is close to Minho Hyunjin was the first came up on his mind to tell him. he knew Hyunjin did not know because he was in his room for so long, for days that is why he guessed that Hyunjin do not know that Minho is doing the surgery.

Hyunjin looked down to his feet and shook his head slowly, the freckled boy sighed deeply and used silence, he was building up the courage to tell Hyunjin what was happening.

he finally spoke, "Minho is doing a surgery, he looks horrible, he has blood all over him, he is pale and skinny, they were running so fast, I think it's serious Hyunjin, I pray for him."

Hyunjin stood up as he wrapped his blanket around his body and walked to the door, he then turned and looked at Felix and pointed to him to get up and come with him. Felix got up and as Hyunjin pointed out he walked to him and walked with him. they went to where Minho was doing the surgery. He stayed at the bench.

" I saw you doing that when Minho first arrived, are you going to do the same?" The Australien asked, Hyunjin wanted so bad to do that, but he knows he can't so he stuck his head while looking at the door blankly. he thought of a million things until Felix tapped his back and smile softly but sadly too " He will make it" he said and looked forward as well.

It's been hours since Minho was in there, it was even more than the last time Felix was with Hyunjin all the time until Hyunjin told him to go hours ago, Felix refused but Hyunjin insisted because he knows Felix have limitless as well, his energy is much less than Hyunjin, even if Hyunjin was sick at the time but still he was a battery that lasts for so long.

Soon enough Hyunjin got up and walked through the halls and looked through some offices until he found a flashlight, he then decided to go outside the hospital walls into its gardens, he walked and walked until he found Minho's operation's room, it was the only room that has lights on, it was still 9 pm so it was okay for him to stay out and be outside but also inside the hospital.

he took a deep sigh and thought, the wind was blowing cold air to his body that made him shiver so he wrapped himself even more with his blanket to feel warm, he then pulled out the flashlight and turned it on and off at Minho's operation's room windows.

-- .. -. .... --- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / --- -.- .- -.-- / --. . - / .-- . .-.. .-.. / ... --- --- -. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.. .. -.. / .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .- -. -.. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- / .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... .-. . .- -.- / - .... . / .-. ..- .-.. . ... / .- --. .- .. -. / .- -. -.. / .... ..- --. / -.-- --- ..- / .- --. .- .. -. / -... ..- - / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -... . / --- -.- .- -.--

( Minho are you okay get well soon if you did I will and if you do I will break the rules again and hug you again but please be okay)

he did that, he was not sure if Minho would at least feel that, but why not try his luck.

He went back inside and as he did he passed Minho's room one more time, or maybe one last time, he saw his face, his skinny face that is plugged to the oxygen tank.

walked to his room, he held his neck with his left hand and thought that he had a voice but he was never trained in using it, he did not know how to say the letters he just knew them...

he had a voice but it's unusable...

𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚍𝚎| Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now