Chapter three ( what's your story?)

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after few days Minho still did not get any replies from Hyunjin, for him it felt like it has been years but actually it was just a couple of days, but still, Minho wanted to talk to Hyunjin badly since no get close to him nor gave him attention mostly because of the nurses and because of his condition he can get close to anyone nor anyone can get close to him. Even though Minho is used to things that way but since Hyunjin came into his life he just got tired of his illness and wished he could at least talk.. he felt pathetic towards himself but for him all that was hopeless because no one can help him, his situation is unfixable.

"Why am I even trying?" The black-haired boy talked to himself as he sighed with frustration in his tone. he was on his bed looking around the room " should I ask for decoration and box to pass the time since I will be kind of living in here, my room is boring" Minho thought to himself and imagining how the room will be after decorations since he liked basketball he thought of big basketball drawings on the wall but he ended up shaking his head to brush these thoughts away since he knew it is impossible to do anything at all, he felt like there are chains around his body keeping him from enjoying life.

as for Minho's situation life is short for hi, it is not a metaphor it is not being overdramatic it a reality for him, he did not mind this reality again until he met Hyunjin, he felt like he wanted to live "how can someone you just met, never hugged him before, never used voices with, can have such a powerful does for your life." Minho thought as he placed his head on the wall not scared to touch it since it is not a living object, it was cold but when time passes it will be warm " I want to live...I want to hug him.. I want to " Minho thought as he closes his brown eyes to think of Hyunjin "maybe I can," Minho thought then giggled with a disappointed tone as he knew he can't touch Hyunjin or get near him because of his sickness but mostly because he doesn't want to hurt him in any way " if it is for the better than I'll do it regardless if it is the opposite of what I want" Minho cheered himself but it did not make his mood better because (1) he was bad at a pet talk (2) he just told himself the reality but in a nicer way.

hours and hours of thoughts Minho even skipped lunch, he thought/imagined a lot of things, like how things will be if he wasn't sick, or if he can communicate with others, or will he meet Hyunjin if he was normal? all of that is too good to happen in Minho"s life, but yet he can enjoy at least what he can enjoy.

All of that thinking, while he was waiting for Hyunjin, made him hungry and because he skipped lunch he was so hungry so he texted the nurse and asked for his food. "what would you like to eat?" the nurse texted Minho "maybe some freedom would be nice to have but since you do not have it fried rice eggs will do the job" Minho texted back with an unnecessary sarcastic sentence but he did not feel like if it was that bad to say that at the end of the day he has limited freedom and that is true. " haha very funny, anyway wait 15 minutes until I come" she texted back for Minho to leave her to read.

As for the nurse getting Minho's food, Minho was playing with his ball by himself like an only puppy at the shelter inside his cage with no one to adopt him nor play with him, but like not a big deal for Minho tho.

more than 15 minutes have passed 30 minutes have passed, Minho was thinking of texting the nurse but he thought it is not worth it since she was properly busy with other things because it is a big hospital he is in so he kept on balling.

now more than one hour has passed and Minho is getting tired already. After all, he is losing so much energy because he was a skinny legend because of his medication that makes him lose his appetite constantly. He lied on his bed thinking of how hungry he is just for him to fall deeply asleep at this early time. it was 8:30 pm.

𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚍𝚎| Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now