Chapter fourteen| haha found you.

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Hey... I'm sorry I haven't been active, it was a bad time, a lot happened in just two months and I can't make up for the two months I disappeared... tbh I forgot most of my characters.

My parents made quite kpop to study, they hurt emotionally and mentally, I know they did not mean it kind of but it still affected me, I started cursing at myself, hitting myself unporspsly, instead of just crying I laugh until I cry, and some thoughts... you know. I even cried hard that it was hard for me to breathe, I'm not playing victim I know I was wrong at some point but they did not have to do me like this. Thank you for listening now let's get to it.


"about Hyunjin..." Changbin started his sentence looking at Minho as he looked at him with full attention, Minho is just waiting to know about Hyunjin. Changbin hates it, he hates to let the boy down he already has worse things to deal with and now to make things worse? hell no that's not his job as a doctor.

"You'll see him soon, I promise" Changbin promised, did he regret it? yes, how can he be sure that Minho will see Hyunjin again? he is not even working at the same hospital where Minho used to be, but... but the look on Minho's face, he is happy to hear what he just heard, he tried his best to be good and he even do everything I ask him to do, I can not just let him down like that.

after a small "talk" where he just the one to talk and Minho listen, they mostly talked about what Minho have to do to be back to Hyunjin, and some stories in his college days, funny stories. Chanhbin rushed to his office to call who the fuck his fingers press to call.

" Fucking find Hunjin!" He yelled, no it's not of his habits to be bossy but he promised. "I know I am not fucking involved but I made a promise, and I will keep that promise, okay? now find him!" he threw his phone to sit on his chair aggressively, he feels stressed over something, not even his fault or his right to be worried about, but here he is, doing his job.


as Hyunjin walked and walked, he finally arrived where he was hidden, it was Minho's house, he remembered the address, and how Minho described his house. he was amazed by everything, it looked better than what Minho described, space that Hyunjin never really had a real home, not even his aunt let him visit, he just lived at that hospital, it was like home, no it was his home, weird right? Hyunjin got used to everything, not having a family, home, and friends that he doesn't even know how he feels about his own situation, like tell the guy what he supposed to feel, sad? lonely? dependent? or happy because he is "free" as may a lot of you all say. it does not work that way, life sucks and for everyone of course, and we may not know how to feel about it, just like Hyunjin, maybe... no need to feel something about it! just let things go as they meant to be that way things would be a little easier.

got off track right? 

Hyunjin sat down at the stairs to confront pf Minho's house, sure he feels some kind of inches in his legs that want him to move, so he did, but he did it on the spot.

" Hey kid" Hyunjin heard some kind of voice, he can't tell if it's male or female, he turned around and looked to who is 'calling' him, it is more like just checking not calling as if they care, yes they care they want to be safe. it was a male a squirrel looking male... Hyunjin felt like laughing because his mind keeps playing some kind of cartoon that has a squirrel in it the longer he looks at him.

" oh you're from the same hospital Minho used to be at," the guy said as he opened his door wide open "come in."

Hyunjin did not even hesitate, he entered the big house, he moved everywhere he did not touch a thing even if he wanted but he can't he still have his manners with him. he wanted to explore even more.

"You're cute, you can do anything you want" as soon as the boy finished his sentence Hyunjin rushed upstairs looking for Minho's room, he knows he was at his house, he came here on purpose. 

Hyunjin found it, it was a nice room, it was all blue, some trophies and pictures in frames of him were all around. Hyunjin held one was Minho with his cats, it was so cute; Hyunjin sat on Minho's bed, and stared at Minho's picture.

" You know Minho?" a voice was hired, but I did not make Hyunjin move not even a little " I am his brother, Jisung " Jisung introduced himself to Hyunjin, it was okay with him to not know who he is, he was just glad Minho made some friend, as Jisung can see, someone like him.


how is it?

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