Chapter nine| I'll be with you.

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somehow my chapters shortened from 23 part to 21 part even though I just deleted one part, but this is better since school is starting and I will not be able to write my drafts stories but I will try. 

one question how do you like the book? you can tell me what you don't like and what you think that'll make the story better I am open up to everything.

thank you if you've read this far I really appreciate it enjoy!


usually, Hyunjin sleeps well but for some reasons he slept for only five hours, he slept at 10 pm last night and woke up around 3 am. he just woke up, no nightmares, no uncomfortable sleep, no nothing, he just woke up and walked out of his room. he walked through the hallways, fewer nurses were there and they were doing pepper work so they did not pay attention to who is walking in the halls, they did not notice Hyunjin wandering around.

He then passed besides Minho's operations room, he was thankfully finished, he seemed.. alive? not sure how to say it, he is probably not okay, for sure he is in pain, and scared as he thought that he will die this time, but thank god he did as they prayed for Minho to be saved.

Minho.. his positions wasn't good, he looked bad despite his handsome face, but still, he looked so sick, he was awake, he can not sleep from the pain he is having, his healthy skin turned into pale-red skin because of lack of sunlight and the blood that was coming out of his guts. he can not think of anything, not even of himself, he just lay there staring at the ceiling as if is having a staring contest with it.

Hyunjin face, he smiles once he saw Minho alone, but it faded once he saw how the other male looked, he really felt his heartbreak as he was staring at the older. he slowly walked back and sat on the bench in front of Minho's room but this time, instead of looking down, he looked at the ceilings inside Minho's room through the windows since he can't reallyseeMinho because the bed was lower than the window and if he wants to see he have to be close to the window.

you may ask why is there a window in the rooms that shows what the people doing in there like what they need to change what if they need their privacy, but let us be realistic for a moment, in hospitals, there is no real privacy in hospitals believes it or no, everyone knows what is going on with you, when you're sick when they're not, they much more than the families know. As for the window it is there for the nurses to see what they are doing while they pass through, if they want to change there is a big bathroom in there, it was a big hospital it was known for its good service and how professional they are.

back to the boys.

As Hyunjin sat, it was not long, like you can say 26 minutes passed and some nurse was rushing through the halls and fought Hyunjin sitting there, and he knew he could not stay close to Minho, but Hyunjin felt sad.

"Hey mate, are you okay?" Chan said.

Chan was a new nurse, he was hired one year ago, that is new, he was a smart kid that is why he got the job so fast at this age with no experience, yes this was his first time working, he was going to be a doctor but his main goal was being a nurse but his parent did not approve of his dreams and Chan being the good old Child in the family he had a deal with his family, he will nursing and work at it for 4 years to get the required experience then he'll be back to be a lower or a doctor, that way he is doing what he wants and at the same time having an experience for whatever job he is going to study again.

He saw Hyunjin, Chan was a good nurse and he knew everyone,so he knew who Hyunjin was and why he was here.

"Hey mate, are you okay?" Chan asked. Hyunjin shook his head on Chan's question. "Ohh, why is that? are you worried about your little friend?" Hyunjin nodded his head as he kept on looking at Minho's room ceiling but he did not expect Chan to grab him by his wrist and walk him to his room.

He made Hyunjin lay on his bed as he sat at the end of it after he covered the younger male with his blanket and patted his hair then went sit properly.

"let me tell you a thing that might end my whole career in here" Chan looked right and left, back and in front, and whispered to Hyunjin, of course, he did not mean that he just thought of making the boy feel a little better, he is trying, " Minho's surgery ended you know that right?" Chan said Hyunjin nodded his head. Chan looked left and right to make his lie more believable "His parents are coming tomorrow to see him so if you want to see them you can just bump into them, they are nice" Chan said and went out of the room after he made sure Hyunjin believed him.

Hyunjin thought of what Chan has said, he did not believe him, because he has been here longer than Chan have so he knows the rules more that everyone here (and yet he still breaks them) visits are not allowed after surgery until it lasts at least a week, because the health of the people in the hospital is more important than families emissions.

to think about it Hyunjin have never had someone to visit him, yes he had no one to come for him, like parent and siblings, but his parents family sides, like aunts, uncles, and cousins ( Kee-soo kind of lives with his so when she comes to see him it is not a visit). When Kee-soo's parents come every week to see where they don't think of Hyunjin, maybe it is enough for them to care about one kid, it's the closest kid to their heart, their own kid.

Hyunjin did not mind...

speaking of visits...

Chan forgot his keys in Hyunjin's room ( every nurse and doctor have the keys to every room in the hospital).

there were so many keys, he looked for the key that had Minho's room number in it.

After a long search he found it! He took it off, he kept it in his pockets and went to Chan's office.

"He made, why are you here? thought you were asleep" Chan asked after he treated Hyunjin, the tall boy handed Chan's keys to him. Chan gasps and took them, he thanked Hyunjin and that is the end.

It is past 4 am, everyone is not focusing, they are asleep, they can do that. Hyunjin took the key he took from Chan, sneaked to Minho's room.

He closed the door and found Minho asleep after a long night of pain. He finally slept hard that he did not notice Hyunjin laying next to him, cuddling, and sleeping next to him...

it felt nice...

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