Chapter sixteen| Distend

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I just realized that chapters 13 and 15 have the same name hahaha wonder how did that happen.


Hyunjin has been with Jisung for one day and two nights, he wanted to leave but where will he go? is it that easy? he thought he was lucky enough that Jisung let him and stay with him, he does not know where his unit lives, he is even less sure if he wants to stay with his anti and not Jisung, well he thinks.

well, he wanted to leave.

knock knock!

Hyunjin heard a loud knocking sound of course coming from the door, he was about to open the door to know who is out there, he felt a little scared that they found him he did not want to go back to where he was trying to run from, it is his first time seeing the world, he likes it why can't he just stay out there, the hospital is not a home! he can't just die without doing anything with his life it would make him feel that he wasted his soul and now it's useless. he should leave

Hyunjin stepped closer to the door as it kept making a sound because of the person outside the door, not much after Jisung rushed down the stared he was not sure who is outside because he was not excepting someone over well except you know...

"coming calm down for the love of cheesecake!" Jisung almost yelled, he did not want to make loud noises knowing Hyunjin have better ears than anyone else.

"What took you so long you squirrel!" A female voice was heard, it was old, it was funny, but Hyunjin found it cute he could hear it all day long.

"You know mom calling me a squirrel is not offensive, it's just calling Minho a kitten as a compliment," Jisung said as he took the coat from his mom's hands as she entered to be shocked seeing Hyunjin.

"Who is that handsome boy Jisung? is he your boyfriend or something he is so cute," Mrs. Lee said invited herself to cup Hyunjin's face and pull him until his head was just her level, Hyunjin just stared not knowing what to do.

"Mom no he is not my boyfriend, mom you know I haven't come out yet!! he is just Minho's friend," Jisung said as he hanged his mom's coat carefully because he knows how his mom loves this coat. 

"Minho have friends?" Mrs.Lee was so shocked, Minho was an extrovert, but with no true friends or any friends at all, he was isolated for all his life until now, how could that be, especially that he lost his voice; he didn't make friends with a voice, how did he make one without a voice? can it be that Hyunjin was the only one communicating?

"What is your name sugar pie?" Mrs. Lee asked Hyunjin who was just staring as he was doing in the first place.

"Hyunjin, mom, I know what you're thinking but Hyunjin also has no voice" Now Mrs. Lee is even more shocked, what is this miracle?

" Do you know sign language?" Mrs. Lee asked and Hyunjin just shook his head and started to tap in the chair. you may have guessed correctly! he used morse code.

.. / ..- ... . / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .

(I use morse code)

He was repeating the tapes over and over until he noticed a smile on Mrs. Lee's face, it was warm and nice, she was pleased.

"Minho also used morse code?" Mrs. Lee asked Hyunjin and Hyunjin nodded with a smile.

"sit down everyone," Mrs. Lee asked everyone to sit down they were separate.

"why you sitting do far from me! I don't bite!"Mrs. Lee said.

"Well, that's not a true mother" Jisung commented earning a good old slipper hit from his mom as they laughed, but Hyunjin doesn't seem to find anything funny.

"Lean on my shoulder Hyunjin sweetie," Mrs. Lee said and she moved Hyunjin head and put it on her shoulder and held his hand playing with his balm with her figures as she used to do with Minho to calm him down whenever he gets sad or lonely, that makes him fall asleep.

well she won't sing any lullabies but she'll tell a lot of stories, funny, sad, and dramatic. one of her famous stories is how she met Minho's father.

Like the old day's stories, his father sacrificed everything in his teenage years for Mrs. Lee because he made her pregnant, unlike most men, he took action and married Mrs. Lee so people won't look at them these looks, and Mrs. Lee won't feel any shame or pain because of him, you know in the old days the women get blamed in this kind of situations and nowadays well some still get blamed. Mr. Lee studied hard and worked for a living, he became a doctor a very successful one and made a happy family.

More stories were heard but this one took a place in Hyunjin's heart because of how wholesome it is, he learned something, things he will never do, but it did not hurt to know them.

Hyunjin fell asleep, they did not want him to wake up so they got a blanket for him and covered him well.

"He is such a good boy don't you think Jisung?" Mrs. Lee asked her son who was a little nervous. as he was nodding.

"Mom..." Jisung called his mom quietly and walked to the kitchen making his mother follow him, as she did Jisung turned around and told her the whole story of how Hyunjin got here.

"Are they coming now?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"Yes," Jisung answered his mom.

"How can you do this, I liked that poor boy he seems so alone," Mrs. Lee said feeling sad for everything going on right now.

ding dong ding dong.

it was late at night, no one eas expected, except the people from the hospital, it was the time they said they'll come either HYunjin is awake or not.

Jisung opened the door for them and let them in while saying to be careful not to wake Hyunjin up.

"Don't worry, we will take care of him" One of the men spoke as they cared Hyunjin out of the couch and out to the car.

"Can we adopt him?" Mrs. Lee asked she did not know Hyunjin ran to look for Minho, even tho Hyunjin loved her and Jisung so much, he loved Minho even more, he wants to be close to him.

"No ma'am he is in his legal age and we can't just give him to you, he belongs to the hospital, he has to face the truth that this is his home, he can't run away," the men said as he got out of the house.

"Have a good night and thank you for your help" He closed the door after him.

"This is his home," Jisung said.


what is your opinion?

any guess what might happen after?

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