chapter six | comeback...

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this is sure is going to be a short chapter, sorry!


"Now give me your arm Hyunjin" the doctor ordered Hyunjin as Hyunjin gave him his arm slowly, he pined a needle that is attached to an IV stand, for some reason he had to have it twice a month. it did hurt Hyunjin but he did not show that he is in pain.

" now keep your arm as straight as a stick!" the doctor said then laughed as if what he said is a joke. Hyunjin did not laugh.

He walked past the hallway passing everyone, he finally arrived at his destination and stood right in front of it with a big smile on his cherry lips. He faced him, face to face, 'Minho' he thought.

Hyunjin then tried to go in Minho's room thinking he is allowed to do that, it was looked, he looked through the window and didn't see him in there, he then tried to open the door harder until one nurse was just passing by pulled him away knowing well no one is allowed in there until it is cleaned very well and sure there is no sign of anything that gets everyone's sick.

It was hard pulling Hyunjin since he was tall, strong when he was stubborn, and when he was attached to the IV stand with a needle stuck in his vanes.

"Hyunjin no you can not go in, this room is not good for you," some nurse said as he pulled Hyunjin from his waist as Hyunjin finally gave up to him, he held his hand and went to his room.

day after day, Hyunjin kept sliding letters that say.-- ..... .-.. / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- ..--.. (where are you?) hoping Minho will answer him soon, as soon as Hyunjin wanted to, now!

he sends these letters at 9 pm, but in the morning from 4 am until Hyunjin want to, he sits at the bench in front of Minho's room, waiting for him to come back and give him the biggest hug ever, the biggest hug he could five, the hug he always wanted to give him.

In Hyunjin's thoughts, he kinda sees Minho as a person who needs hugs a lot, he does not know why he thinks that way, or why he sees that in Minho's eyes, but he sure wants to make that happen.

people there might think that Hyunjin does not think that way, they see him as that boy who never thinks just do, might because of his bipolar bare disorder but this clearly shows how ignorant people can be.

after two weeks, one day...

"Hey Hyunjin, I've seen you there for days that made me think you never sleep," One patient said, he did not know Hyunjin much, he did not talk or anything, but sure he was nice. His name is Felix.

Felix was there as a suicide survival, they found him in the bathroom bleeding from his wrist and his neck. All of this is due to depression because of his family's financial problems that can not save him from encephalitis which caused him very hard headaches and led him to be drugged as medicine which led him to be addicted to it. Felix is okay now, but he is not great though.

"are you okay?" Felix asked. Hyunjin stared at the ground for seconds, then he shook his head. " are you waiting for someone?" he then asked, Hyunjin nodded.

Felix looked at the room number, he did not know whose room it was, but when he looked at Hyunjin's sad face as he was staring at Minho's room.

"I do not know where he is, or even who he is," Felix pushed and plated Hyunjin's back as he smiles softly, it was cute "But you will meet him," Felix said as he stood up and left Hyunjin in his place.

A few days later, Hyunjin was sitting, as usual, waiting for Minho, until Felix ran up to him with a big smile and attacked Hyunjin with a huge " I found him"...

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