Chapter 10| Don't leave me!

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heeey! Just wanna say Check out my Chanlix book, it's different new and funny ( at least that's what I think) please! 


How are you doing at this time of the year? school is coming are you ready?


Minho woke up, he felt weird, like a heavy weight on him, he can not move, when opened his eyes and looked around he then finds Hyunjin lying next to him 

Minho woke up, he felt weird, like a heavy weight on him, he can not move, when opened his eyes and looked around he then finds Hyunjin lying next to him 

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( let us pretend like Kkami is not there thank you let's keep going!)

Minho was not sure if Hyunjin was awake or not, he then realized he was asleep, he tried to move from the cuddles to wake him up or he'll get in trouble, or worse! but he felt pain everywhere, his body was heavy, not because of Hyunjin but because of the surgery he finished not so long felt like doing push ups and planks with no break between them for the past five years. his tummy hurts, his throat, and his head, sure it was normal for him to feel like that because he has these pains everyday, but this time is hundred times worse.

on the other hand, Hyunjin somehow made it better, him next to Minho was a dream come true, but this dream can be a nightmare because things can happen, they can move Hyunjin from this floor, they can keep them apart for as long as they live, or worse Hyunjin can get sick. That was the last thing Minho wanted, the last thing anyone wants, that is why Hyunjin, everyone is forbidden from coming close to Minho, but did Hyunjin care at all? no! do he want to care? No! it did not make sense to him, it did not, for someone who never experience any emotional experiences he will know that everyone need someone, they need hugs, he wanted to be that someone for Minho, and he is, but he can't be like that forever you know, after all it's dangerous for both of them, mostly Hyunjin.

Minho was too tired to even smile, but he did it mently, he closed his eyes and started doing his favorite thing, daydreaming, I'll let you guess what he daydreamed of.

It was a moment of silence between the two males, after both of them woke up and just looked at each other, no voice, no moves, just looking, it was hard for Hyunjin to keep up on doing that but he had to try, he wanted that, and he did it.

"Oh my fucking LORED WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THERE" Minho's nurse saw Hunjin in Minho's room, worst of all they werr haveing phsical contect. It was a huge problem.

not long after that happened, one full covered doctor stepped in the room trying to pull Hyunjin out, but guess what, Hyunjin adrlen kicked in and he was strong enough to no be moved one inch from to the doors, he tried to free his wrist from the other hand and then ran to the bathroom. Minho just stood there, he can't help them,but also he can't help Hyunjin, he just looked at them, he knows he can't touch any of them even if they were profed, still.

many doctors and nurses came in, of course all of them were covered up and profed, they tried to get Hyunjin out, by talking, opening the door, but nothing worked.

"Hyunjnn, if you don't get out you will have to move hospitals and leave Minho" That Shocked the hell out Minho, Hyunjin, and even some nurses, spicy the one that take care both of them, she knows well how close they are, even she did not want that.

It was silent until a click sound was heard, Hyunjin got out of the bathroom, but he did not wait a second in there, he just ran out of the room leading everyone to follow him around.

they were busy with Hyunjin that they forgot to close Minho's door, but not to worry, Minho did that for them. he closed the door on himself, it did take him a lot of strength to do that, but he rather risk himself than the others, it his room was open for too long while he still breath, it's game over. even though he just that and it seemed normal that he still did not expect to do that, everyone else just do it for him.after he closed the door he went back to his bed, thinking of whether the doctor was being for real or was just a none real threaten just to get Hyunjin out of the bathroom, all that brought him down.

"Hold him" One doctor yelled to one of the passing nurses who was not aware of anything, but he still was fast enough to do that.

"Great job Sungmin," one of the doctors thanked the young nurse.

"Can I help?"Sungmin asked?

"Actually yeah, Hyunjin was in Minho's room, and we ran all the way from the fourth floor I think to the 10th because of him," The doctor explained, Sungmin was shocked as he looked at Hyunjin.

"MINHO? You mean LEE MINHO?" Sungmin said as he kept yelling Minho's name,it looked like Minho was famous between the nurses and doctors.

"Calm down, no one knows how he got in there or for how long he was there and they were making physical contact so be careful, so what I am asking is that you check him with another doctor and see if he catches anything from Minho." a doctor said after he took his mask off.

"Okay," Sungmin said as he held Hyunjin's hand and walked him.

Sungmin was one of the youngest nurses, maybe he was the youngest, but he worked there for a long time, even longer than Chan, well he skipped two grades, and when he was in college he was trained while he was still studying and that's hired him even faster, Sungmin liked the nurses work better than a doctor, he felt like he can be close and even more helpful, at least he tries.

" Come on sweetie,I don't bite unless you bite first" Sungmin said and chuckled, Hyunjin did not seem happy, there were some dark ibes coming from him, his head was down, moving right and left while it was still down.

"Hey I know you like the guy, but you gotta risk something first to be able to see who you want to see" Sungmin said as he looked at Hyunjin, he still did not lift his head up. Sungmin just sighed and kept walking quietly with him.

After a few checks and tests, Hyunji was okay, he cleaned him and made sure someone took him to his room.

Sungmin was told he had to be HYunjin's nurse from now on since he had the strength to handle him, they offered him more payment, even though Sungmin rejected the payment because he thought it's his job to take care of them, they still gave him what they offered.

Chan sometimes comes to check in on Hyunjin, like twice a week.

until one day...

"Minho moved hospitals," Chan said...

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