Chapter Twelve| Haha found you.

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I'm sorry for being late but at this point, shit is going on home and everywhere it's hard to write while my parents are watching over tbh but I still want to write I have new ideas too I will never delete Wattpad until I finish them all.

one note: This is not love story ( at least anymore) They are just trying to be friends since they do not have any.

Sorry again.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin was just walking, trying to figure out where to go, where Minho is, but he couldn't think of anything at the moment because of his bald move, but what can he do? his friend was taken away by what he was supposed to do? let them do that? at least over his dead body.

yes, Hyunjin is looking for Minho who is nowhere to be found, he is just looking, how? where? no one knows. Hyunjin's body, he has the energy but does he even remember? he is getting weaker and weaker when time passes, no one knows why yet, but surely he is.

At the same time, most of the nurses ran outside leaving doctors with the patients with some other nurses. some went with cars, some ran, and some walked. They looked everywhere for Hyunjin hoping they'd find somewhere or something bad would happen. Hyunjin could die, the Hospital would have a bad reputation for letting Hyunjin out when he has never been out before, and a lot more, there is no ending for possibilities.

Hyunjin has been walking for a long time, he saw a punch chair he decided to take a rest, he sat on it, he felt relaxed, people were looking at him because he was wearing the hospital uniform, they were whispering, like a lot, they thought he ran away, which is true but what is not true that they thought he ran from a " mental hospital". you see people judge for no reason, it is just so much fun this way, right?

evidently, Hyunjin felt sleepy and took a nap on the punch... It was a nice nap, he didn't dream anything due to overworking his body and the lack of sleep.

" FOUND HIM!" one of the nurses that were using the car yelled at the other nurses, the other came near them trying not to wake Hyunjin up pr you know, he'll run from the.

" I'll go and call the others to stop looking, I.N you take him," Chan said.

The little boy nodded to his older and with the help of the other they carried Hyunjin who was much bigger and taller than they are but it is fine because he is not that heavy it is just his height.

if you are wondering what is Jeongin doing here because he is too young to work in a hospital. Jeongin is a university student, this is his assignment for the rest of the year, as you can see he is doing a great job at it.

they walked him to the car, bad luck happens, do Hyunjin woke up it took him a second to realize what was going on, he pulled himself out of Jeongin's arms and ran only for the younger to run after him.

"you need to eat"


" come on Minho"


" I know you did not like coming here, but for me, I'm your friend, Changbin, please, you haven't eaten for a couple of days, you lost weight," Changbin said.

Minho ignored him right away and turned his back. He just did not want to be here, well he is okay with the place he just wanted to be with Hyunjin.  he misses him so much right now.

"Look, how about that, let's make a deal," Changbin said...

haha, you thought Changbin have no story? you thought I pick favorites? no...

now you see Changbin passion is music but no one accepted his passion, not even Chanbin himself, he thought won't make it but he still wanted to be a musician, so he thought he can be a doctor just to make sure financially okay then he can go and be a musician. he is working on his music, he posts some and it has a big audience so that is a good start to his real career.

Minho looked at Changbin who was ready to make a deal with him, he thought to say no already but he wanted to know what Changbin had to offer.

" you eat your lunch and I'll talk to them about either sending you back or bringing your friend here" Yes Changbin knows Minho's story, he has to know since he has to deal with him. He felt bad, he really was going to try something for Minho.

Minho's eyes winded and nodded as fast as he could, he was so excited that he was about to open the door and take the tray from Changbin's hands.

he ate.


Hyunjin got lost again...

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