Chapter Eleven | I'm coming.

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"Minho moved hospitals," Chan said when he entered the room, Seungmin's eyes whined looking at Chan.

Hyunjin was shocked, he felt energetic enough to try to get out of his room, but Seungmin held him tight with the help of Chan, Seungmin looked at Chan fearlessly and Chan might have guessed out why.

Seungmin was trying to give Hyunjin his medicine in a needle but because of the news, Hyunjin was moving a lot, that Seungmin almost hit him with the needle in the wrong spot.

"Hyunjin calms down, we'll talk that over, '' Seungmin said as he held Hyunjin and put him on his bed. Hyunjin did not listen to what they're saying, he shook his head, then stopped as he thought of something.

Seungmin found it weird that he stopped, though it was a good thing he kept that in mind and was watching closely over Hyunjin just in case he was thinking of something.

Everything was good, Hyunjin was acting good, like very good, that was kinda weird for Seungmin, Hyunjin does not just act good for no reason, Hyunjin is the person that can turn this hospital head over the toe with any action so easily.

Seungmin's shift of watching Hyunjin ends at 11 pm, yes after bedtime, because as usual Hyunjin has trouble sleeping, so he sleeps late sometimes. When Seungmin shit is over he is technically not responsible for Hyunjin.

11:30 pm.

Hyunjin pretended to sleep, when he was sure no one was in his room, or the hallways, he got out of it, he looked down, and headed towards the bathroom.

"Oi mate, you can't be out here now," Chan said as he pumped on Hyunjin. Hyunjin just pointed at the bathroom as he left his head up, Chan was in a hurry so he just nodded and let Hyunjin do his business.

Chan left and the bathroom was empty, there was an exit door, Hyunjin got out of it, he knew the way out. I know you may think of exit doors in the bathroom? well, these doors needed because of some history.

basically someone with a gun entered the hospital, and every door was locked, there were people in there but they did not know there was someone with a gun put there and everyone was in a hurry to check where people are, so they kept banging on the door until the shooter heard it he opened the door with his gun, he hurt some people were in there but thank god no one got killed. all that happened a long time ago even before Chan was born.


it was night, it's Hyunjin's first time out of there, like completely out, on the streets, some cold but yet fresh air, he did not know where is he going, he just knew he wants to find Minho.

soul, Hyunjin lived there, grew up there, did he know anything about it? sadly no, he knew nothing so he was just walking where his legs lead him. no one was on the streets at that time of the night so if anything happens to Hyunjin no one will be there to help him.

What really happened to Minho.

Minho did not know he was the one moving, he did not want to, but he was forced, they went out at night because it was much safer for everyone, and for no one to stop them and by no one they mean Hyunjin.

at the hospital.

it was morning, Sungmin was going to his shit, which is taking care of Hyunjin all day long, yes sometimes it is exhausting but it is his job, he did not think it'll be easy anyways. Seungmin entered Hyunjin's room, he did not see him, weird, usually, Hyunjin never woke before Seungmin came or if he did he would just stay in his bed. Seungmin ran out looking for Hyunjin, he did not find him, he bumped onto Chan.

"what's the hurry for calm down," Chan said.

"Hyunjin is lost, I can't find him," Seungmin said as he lost his breath from the shock.

"What! He was here, I saw him yesterday in front of the bathroom and I am sure he went in '' Chan almost yelled as he was looking at Seungmin who had lost his breath due to having a panic attack.

He pulled himself together and stayed strong. Half of the nurses and doctors were out looking for Hyunjin, all floors, inside the rooms, around the hospital.

but it's no use... 

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