Chapter eighteen||

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y'all this book is about to end, I love it... I swear if I were on schedule I would've finished this book already with the other five books, besides I had new ideas for dotae but lost theeemmmmm. back to the book.

.... . -.-- / -- .. -. .... --- / .-- . .----. .-. . / .... . .-. .

(Hey Minho we're here) Chan tapped on the window glass...

you've may have been shocked right here, right? well do not, Chan did not learn the whole morse code, he actually had a hard time learning this sentence just for Hyunjin and Minho to try and communicate again since it's been a while. Chan was wondering how Hyunjin did it since he did not even know how to read and write in Korean. if you've been following Hyunjin self-taught how to read and write and can not speak, this is how smart Hyunjin is.

Minho wasn't asleep, he couldn't sleep because of the many thoughts he has to think about. Hyunjin is what he was thinking of just right now. he turned his back only to see Hyunjin in front of his room, he looked weak, sick, and lack energy, as if it's not Hyunjin. Minho knows well enough that it is not Hyunjin's fault.

.. - .----. ... / -... . . -. / .- / .-- .... .. .-.. . / .... ....

(it's been a while hh)

Minho tapped on the window after looking at Hyunjin for a little while to try to get back his focus after a rough night of thinking about thoughts... 

.. / -- .. ... ... . -.. / -.-- --- ..-

(I missed you)

Hyunjin looked at Minho for a while, he had nothing to say, he wasn't in the mood for anything, no energy, but he did miss Minho, so much.

Minho took a deep breath.

.. / -- .. ... ... . -.. / -.-- --- ..- / - --- --- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / --- -.- .- -.-- / -.-- --- ..- .----. ...- . / .-.. --- ... - / ... --- / -- ..- -.-. .... / .-- . .. --. .... - / .... -.-- ..- -. .--- .. -. / -.-- --- ..- / -. . . -.. / - --- / . .- - / .-- . .-.. .-.. / --- .-. / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -.. .. . / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / -- .

( I missed you too are you okay you've lost so much weight Hyunjin you need to eat well or you will die before me)

Hyunjin giggled after he understood the last sentence, it was common for them to have this kind of joke, more like dark humour.

everyone knows that Minho has no chance of living that long, or enjoying what he has, for now, it was impossible, yet they keep joking about their problems just to " stay positive" but both of them felt scared inside, Minho know how to show how scared he is, unlike Hyunjin who is with autism he can't deliver his emotions or communicate right, even with Minho it was hard.

of course, while those two were trying to communicate Chan was sitting in the chair just looking trying to pick some letters all he could pick is " mi o oo" and just what he learned, sounded funny to him.

.. / .- -- / --- -.- .- -.-- / -- .. -. .... --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .-.. .. ...- . / .-.. --- -. --. / .-- .. - .... / -- . / - .-. ..- ... - / -- .

( i am okay Minho you will live long with me trust me)

All Minho's life all he heard "we don't know when you'll die" " you won't make it to after college" when Hyunjin tapped his words, Minho had mixed feelings, sad? hope? scared? confused? maybe all of it.

.. .----. .-.. .-.. / .... ..- -. - / -.-- --- ..-

(I'll Hunt you)

both boys laughed what else would they feel or do? well for them at least something came back, and it is their conversations, it was nice until it was time to leave.

"Okay buddy it's time, we need to get some sleep." Chan said as he held Hyunjin's wrist and moved the IV stand a little.

unlike what Hyunjin usually does he did not resist, he went back to his room and Minho got back to his thoughts while feeling lonely. 

he went to his room.

sat on his bed.

cough cough cough

that's weird, Hyunjin is not even sick...

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