Chapter six

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*one month later*


Many people say that love is the greatest emotion, I believe that's true. As I'm gazing at the boy laying in bed next to me all I can feel is love.

I can feel the sadness that is actually lying within me, it's there, but love is taking over. See, that's one of the good things about love, it takes over.

As I watch Louis chest rise and fall and rise and fall, I hear my phone buzz. I whip the arm over to the nightstand and grab my phone. Damn, it's 5:30 in the morning, looks like I've been up all night.
Two missed calls from Gemma.

I pressed her contact, within three rings, she answered.

"Harry, I just was thinking about you and Lou."


"How are you doing?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. It's not be that I should have a chance to even feel hurt or sad, it's Louis who is actually going through it "

"I know honey, but the thing is, you do have the privilege to feel those emotions."

"Why is that?" I asked, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and walking into the kitchen

"Because you get the privilege to live on and make him proud. You can be with him for these coming months."

"I should be with him for my whole life though."

"Life's not fair, I know." She sighed.

"You know, I'm trying to make these upcoming months the best times of his life. He said though, that he wanted to relax for a few weeks, and that's what we did. We've watched movies, and lay in bed, and gone to class, well I've gone to class. And... we've also been to appointments and appointments and more appointments. He hates them."

"Figures he does," she laughs, " you know him Harry, only wants to be left alone and around the people he loves, not some doctors."

"I know."

"Well Haz, I have to go, I've got an early Uni class."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too, tell Louis I love him."

"I will Gem."


"Bye-Bye." I turned off my phone. I laid my face in the palms of my hands, trying not to cry. I sat up as u heard the floor boards squeak. Louis wiped his eyes and walked out to me.

"What are you doing?" He rubbed his eyes a little more.

"Gem called me."

"Oh," he looked up, "Can you please come back to bed?" He asked pouting his lip.

"Of course." I smiled, pushing back my tears.

"Thanks." He turned around and walked back to the bedroom. I stood up and walked back down the hall. Louis was sitting on the bed, look our the window.

"You alright boo?"

"Not really." He said, turning to me.

"What's wrong?" I walked over to him and sat down.

"I have to tell my mom." He sniffled, "Everyone knows except for her and the girls, I just- I can't tell them."

"I know baby, but you have to. Soon." I said placing a hand upon his back he leaned onto my lap.

"I know, I know I do. What's Girls going to do though? They're not going to be able to ever look at me again without seeing a sick dying brother. My mom- my mom will See her baby boy who is literally going to slip out of her life because he's going to die."


"I know-I know, I should stop thinking about it, but I can't Harry, I just can't. I know I have to do it and it's not going to be early."

"I know honey." I pulled him in closer to me and rested my head on his. He began to sob.

"I wish I could just die now."

"No baby, don't say that."

"Well then I wouldn't have to tell them."

"Louis Stop it, they'd have to live the rest of their lives knowing that they didn't get to be here with you. That's going to hurt them ever more."

He nodded his head and stood up.

"What are you doing?" I asked standing up.

"I'm getting water." He mumbled.


I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. No I don't need water. I need to call my mum. I picked up my phone from the counter and clicked her contact. My hands were shaking, tears were rolling down my face. I felt hot and mad at myself for not telling her and the girls earlier.

I hit call.

"Louis? It's so early, are you okay?"

"Yeah mum, I'm fine. I just- I need to tell you something."

"Okay...are you alright? Is there something wrong with Harry?" The time in her voice concerned me, which made me want to not tell her even more, but I knew I had too.

"Mum, I'm sick, I've been sick for a little while, about a month or two. I-I I'm not going to be here for long. Only 7-10 months. I just-I just- I don't want to tell you because I knew you wouldn't be able to sleep or eat and I just want you to be okay so I need you to be okay and be strong mum."


"Just okay."

I heard her choke, "Yeah, I love you Louis."

"I love you mum, I'll be home soon."

"Okay." She whispered.

"Okay, you should get some sleep." I mumbled, playing with the keys that were in the counter.

"You too baby, I love you."

"Love you."

I hung up. God. I can't believe I did it. I wiped my face and started back to the room. I saw Harry standing in the hallway leaning against the door frame. He looked at me. He mouthed something that I couldn't quote understand as my eyes were all foggy from the tears. However, I saw him hold his arms out. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry that ever fucking day just gets worse." I said, "and I'm sorry that I'm like this."

"Stop being sorry baby."

"I'm sorry."

He kissed my head. "You know I love you."

"I love you too."

I pulled away from his hug and looked him In the eyes.

"You What know Harry? We're taking a road trip. We're going to my mums tomorrow."

Hello dears! I'm so sorry that this was a super short chapter, it was more of a fill in!

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