Chapter one

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Three nights in a damn row I have found myself awake at three in the morning, clutching my chest, just trying to breathe. It's only at night. Never at uni, never through the day. I sat up and took a deep breath. Thank god. Sometimes it's not that easy. I laid back down.

"Dammit." I choked. "What the hell." I grabbed my chest again.
I couldn't do anything about it. It was there. I tried to lay back down again, but I couldn't breathe again.

"Im up." I mumbled and walked into the kitchen. It was weird. The past two weeks. Alone. No one to wake up next to. He'll be back tomorrow, I keep telling myself this. It was just a holiday with his family. I knew I should have gone. He even invited me, but I said no. It's my own fault. I'm stupid I'll tell you that.

I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water.

"Maybe this will help."

I highly doubt it. Nothing helps. I just can't sleep and it's only been three days that it's been this bad. I have no freaking clue what's going on. Asthma? Maybe, never had it before. But maybe it can just appear.

I went back to my room and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand. I clicked on Harry's contact. Nope. I can't, he's on holiday and he's mad at me for not going. I don't blame him. I'm mad at myself. After being together for a year and a half we fight over a stupid trip. Shit, it's ridiculous and all my fault.

I coughed.

"I just want to sleep." I whispered. Leaning my head against the headboard I heard a knock on the window.

"What Niall?"

He opened the window.

"Well mate, I could hear ya coughing your guts out from next door, figured I come by."

"You could have used the door, like a normal person."

"Why are you so mad? Has he still not texted you?"

I shook my head.

"He'll be back tomorrow, Louis. You guys live together, its not like he can ignore you." He sat down next to me.

"I know." I said. "If I was him I wouldn't come back."

"Louis, you fought over a damn trip, that's not a reason for him to freaking, move out. It's Harry he can't stay mad at anyone for long."

"Two weeks. Two weeks, I haven't gotten a text from him." I stood up.

"Maybe you should have texted him first then. Just a thought?"

"If he wanted to talk to me he would have texted."

"That's your problem Lou, you need to be the bigger person. He probably thinks you're ignoring him. It goes both ways."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going back to bed. Clearly you're not dead." He said and walked out.

I sat down the glass on the counter and shut the window.

"Look at that Niall now it's freezing in here."

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