Chapter nine

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The sun started to set, the sky now looked painted with pink, blue, and yellow. Harry and I were walking to dinner. Amazed I still felt well, I had no problem at all walking. He rubbed his thumb against my hand as he held it.

"What are you going to get for dinner?" He asked.

"I don't know, the fanciest thing they have? I mean it's not like we're going to be back, ya know?"

"Very true."

"What are you getting?"

"I have no clue." He raised his eyebrows.

"Guess we'll see."


"What's wrong Haz?"

"Nothing boo." He smiled and looked back down tot he ground. I stopped walking, and turned to him.


"I just- you know, you're feeling good today. I think, I- don't want to talk about it, alright?"


He nodded. I started to shuffle my feet to single him we were walking again. Something about his expressions worried me. He's normally trying to be the one to brighten the day or lift my mood, by now, he's not being the cheerful usual Harry.

"Honey, we don't have to go to dinner if you don't want. I'll cancel the reservations." I blurted out.

"Of course not Lou," he laughed, "we're going to dinner."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing, Okay?"


"Yes, Okay, now, tell me, what's the next holiday we are going on?"

"I think we should go to Hawaii."

"We should."

"I know, I have the best ideas." I said letting go of his hand and skipping across the sidewalk. He laughed and ran up to me.

"Stop being so cute." He giggled, trying to grab me.

"Can't, it's my specialty." I ran farther.

"Hey wait up Lou!" He started running faster.

"You'll never catch me." I yelled back behind to him.

"Oh I will." He started to run faster. I turned the corner, going in the opposite direction from where we needed to go. I could hear his footsteps, which gave me more adrenaline. I turned the corner and started to go that way.

"Little Louis, you cant keep running from me, we have dinner."

"I can actually. I am paying for it." I huffed, as I was running, I stopped and looked back at him. He was getting closer to me.

"No!" I giggled and ran a little more.

I could hear Harry chuckle. He gained on me though. Then, I felt my chest tighten. I paused and leaned my hands on my knees.

"Louis?" He ran over to me and placed a hand on my back. "Are you okay?" He breathed.

"Mhmm, I just- I just need a second."


"Okay, I'm good." I coughed and stood up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep," I took in another deep breath, "let's go to dinner."



Louis and I walked into the first floor restaurant of the Eiffel Tower. Lots of people were there, the room was filled with noise from the conversations filled from each table. Louis and I walked up to the host.

"Bonjour! Reservation name?" She asked.

"Yes, it should be under Tomlinson, table for two." He smiled.

"Right this way dear." She gathered two menus and took us to the back of the restaurant. In the back each table had flowers on it and candles were lit around the seating areas. We sat down.

"I will be out with the champagne, anything else?"

"Can I also get a water please?" Louis asked.

"Sure!" She smiled, "I'll be right back."

"This is beautiful Louis." I reached my hand across the table to grab his, "thank you."

"You're welcome love."

I half smiled at him, keeping my hand in his.

"Do you think that the boys are upset that we haven't texted them lately?"

"Harry, we talk to them almost everyday, no different than texting."

"I know, I know. I just feel like we should do more."

"They'll understand, they have to, I'm dying." He laughed.

"Stop, no more dying jokes tonight."

"Alright, alright." He laughed.

"Alright, here is the champagne," she sat down our glasses, and the bottle," and here's the water. Have you decided what you will be ordering?"

"Do you think that we could get a little longer?" I asked.

"Of course."

Louis looked through the menu, "I know that you're probably going to kill me, but what do you think if I got pasta."

"You're always getting pasta, but that's kind of what I want too."

"Maybe we should try something different."

"I think you're right."

"Let's ask for the fanciest thing, like we were going to do."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Now, I know you said no dying talk but-"

"Louis, come on-"

"I'm serious, just for once. Do you think that I have less time than they said?"

"The last time you were there they said everything was looking good, no new growths."

"I know, but-"

"Come on Lou, seriously, you can't dwell on it all day long honey." I reached for his hand again.

"I know love," he rubbed his thumb against my hand, "but it's kind of hard not to think about it when it's your body that's deteriorating because of a tumor that spread from somewhere to your heart."

I sighed, "I know."

The host can back over, "am I interrupting?" She asked.

"Nope." I said.

"Alright, have you decided?"

"What's the fanciest thing on the menu?" Louis asked.

I'm so sorry that this is so, so, so short. It's more of a filler chapter. I've been very stressed lately, and well I didn't write too Much being that today is my birthday and I spent my time with my family!

Thanks for understanding tho!

Love you all, vote and comment.

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