Chapter fourteen

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I pulled into my mums house. Thank god I was here, I could barely see the road through my tears. I'm sure my face looks a mess. Red, puffy, and damp. I unbuckled my seatbelt and took in a deep breath.

Collect yourself Harry.

I opened the door and walked up to the front door of my mums house. I didn't call before coming I just figured she'd be home, so hopefully she is.

I knocked a few times at the door. "I'm coming," she shouted. I heard footsteps running toward the door. The lock clicked to be unlocked and the door slowly opened.


"Mum." I trembled, welcoming myself in and falling into her arms.

"Harry whats wrong?"

"It's happening mum." I sobbed.

She shut the door with her foot and pulled me in closer to her.

"This is reality mom. H-he's going to-"

"Shhhh." She placed her hand on the back of my head. I continued to cry into her shoulder. It's actually happening. Faster than we hopped.

"Harry, lets go sit on the couch, Alright?"

"Mhm." I nodded as she guided me onto the couch and sat me down.

"Okay, I want to hear everything baby, and I want you to be able to let it out after, so I need you to tell me everything first."

"I left to g-go get coffee and tea for me and Louis. I was, I was gone for only half an hour," I fought back tears with all I could, "it was only half an hour and then I-I came home and he wasn't responding to me. I just, I called his name, it feels like a hundred times, and he didn't answer. I saw that the bathroom light was on, and he- he was collapsed on the floor. He didn't wake up until we got to the hospital." I held my breath for a second. I was unable to process, what I was going to say next. I didn't want to believe it. "They said, they said that he, only has about a month."

My mum looked me in the eyes. I saw her glare change. Her eyes began to fill with tears, "I'm so sorry Harry." She hugged me, tight. So tight, that just for a second, I felt like everything was fine and going to be alright.

"I just want to have a life with him mum." I choked.

"I know Harry," she paused for a second before sighing.

"I have an engagement ring." I bursted out, choking throughout the sobs.

"Oh harry." She pulled me in again. However, She pulled away for a second, "Harry, I think you need to marry him."


"Harry, I know you probably think I'm crazy, but-"

"No, mum, you're right. I have to go. I love you so much. I have to go now."

"I love you too."

I kissed her cheek and slipped my shoes on as fast as I possibly could. I have to get home to Louis.


It was done. I filmed everything, and Harry's video was the longest one. It was also the hardest to get through. I filmed it at least 10 times and couldn't stop crying through all of them. Finally though, I made it to the last one, and controlled myself a little better.

It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but if I don't do it now, it will never get done. I'm not going to get better. Things are going to get harder. Breathing, for one, is challenging, it was all I could do to not start to bawl my eyes out at any minute of the day because it hurts to breathe. I just can't tell haz, it'd hurt him just as much as it hurts me.

I threw myself onto the couch, leaning my head back. "Screw this." I stood up and walked over to the fridge. There was only one beer, but whatever. I opened it and took a sip.

"I deserve this." I took another sip and walked back to the couch. However something felt off. A burning sensation shot up through my stomach and into my chest. "Oh my g-" I hunched myself over and tried to breathe. It didn't work. I sat up a little and took in another breathe. I felt another rush of pain and started to run the bathroom. I knew I wasn't going to make it, I ended up throwing up on the floor.  "What the hell?" I threw my hands to my face. "Are you kidding me?"

I sobbed into my hands. "I just want to live! Can't I just have a fucking beer?" I threw the can onto the floor.


After taking the time to clean up that mess, I saw Harry park his car in the lot. Perfect timing I guess. The kitchen was dim now, I headed to get a glass of water, when the door opened.

"Louis?" He snuck up behind me.


Harry was down on one knee. "Louis, I know what you're are thinking right not, But just pretend that you're not. I know you probably thinking it's a waste, but it's not. Louis I want to be able to call you my husband, even if that means that I can't have you for long, so will you marry me."

I stood in pure shock. I nodded my head. "Yes."


"Yes!" Harry lifted my off my feet. "Yes, a million times yes!" I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Louis, I love you so much."

"I love you too baby." I kissed his cheek, "We have to get married soon."

"I know, we'll go to court. I'll tell the boys and, you're mum."

"My mum-"

"Of course."


"Okay!" He kissed me and sat me down.

"And Harry, I'm starting to think that nothings a waste."

He tilted his head, "I know."

I clutched my chest.

"Are you alright love?" He held my shoulder.

"I don't want to hurt right now, I want to forget that it hurts, okay? Make me forget Harry."

"Okay." He mumbled, gently pulling me to his chest and cupping his hands around my face. His fingers ran behind my ears into my hair. His soft lips practically sunk into mine like they are meant to be there and, they are. I slip my hand up his back. Just enough to show him that I was here. Show him that our warmth was something that only we had. He kissed my collar bone.

"You like?"

I nodded. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can go any further tonight Haz."

"That's okay honey." He nodded, smiling. However, the smile didn't seem genuine, I knew it was hard for him. "I'm sorry."

"Stop being sorry." He took my hand. "How about we run a bath okay? We can just relax."


Hello lovelies! Sorry for the filler chapter, even though it kind of wasn't, big things happened in such a little chapter. You might be able to understand why the chapters are getting shorter though...the last few though, will be longer!

Love you all! Vote and comment please! Recommend to a friend even! Have a lovely day/night :)


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