Chapter eighteen

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*one week later*


It was getting bad. Lately simple tasks have become war. The hardest part, was seeing that glimmer in his eyes fade into pain. Pain that caused tears to sit up in bed, pain that caused him needing help with walking, and pain that caused so much sickness. Sometimes, he even had trouble forming words.

I remember the other day, the first day where it really hit that he was getting worse. We had just woken up when he started coughing, he coughed so hard he threw up. He felt terrible, but I assured him it was fine. Then throughout the day he started shaking, when I asked him what was wrong he said, pain. Words were becoming harder from the pain. It made me ache. I wish I could just take this from him.

He hasn't woken up yet, so I sat beside him, watching his chest, his dainty eyelashes, his defined cheekbones, and his lips. His perfectly plump lips. Oh how I studied everything about him. I watched every rise and fall of his chest, scared that it may not rise again. He opened his eyes reluctantly, he smiled at me.

"How are you?" I asked, brushing his hair behind his ear.

He shook his head in disappointment, "bad," he whispered.

"Worse than before?"

He nodded. Tears formed in his blue eyes.

"Aww baby," I laid next to him, relaxing my arm over his tummy. He began to sob. I couldn't imagine the pain he was feeling. He took in a long breath. I slightly looked at his chest it rose, and fell. Good. I continued staying close to him, keeping my eye on him.

"Harry, I wanna go somewhere." He sniffled. He grimaced as the words came out of his mouth. Pain.

"Lou, you said today's the worst it's been."

He looked at me with solemn eyes, "it might be the last time hazza."

The words rammed into me like a freight train going at one hundred miles per hour. It was all I could do to not just start sobbing right then and there. I nodded my head, "okay, let's go."

He lifted himself out to sit and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"Harry, will you, erm- help me?" He mumbled.

"Of course baby, what do you need?"

"Can you find me a shirt, and pants?"

I nodded and walked to the dresser and pulling out a loose fitting hoodie and a pair of sweats.

"Is this okay?" I asked.


He lifted his arms up and I pulled the hoodie into his body.

"So, where do you want to go?" I asked, pulling his pants over his hips.

"I want to go to the little cafe."

"Okay, we can do that."

"And, I wanna go to the pond."

Oh my god. The pond.

"Louis wait up!" I ran as fast as I could to catch up with him. "You're being an ass!"

"It's okay, I have plenty of it."

I rolled my eyes.

"Louis!" I ran to him. I was so close. Finally, I was about an arms length away. I grabbed at his wrist spinning him back to me. "You thought you could beat me, didn't ya?" I kissed his nose.

"I still can," he looked away, "I wasn't even trying my hardest."

"Aww Lou, it's okay to give up." I teased.

"I will never give up Mr Styles."

"One second Louis, I think you got something right here," I kissed his forehead. "And here," his nose, "and here," his cheek, "and here," his lips.

He pulled me closer into him. His body,  beautiful, his hand so soft as he caressed my cheek. I touched his hair with my hand, gently placing it at the back of his head. Louis smiled.

"What?" I asked, "did I do something wrong?"

"No Harry, you did everything right," he laughed again and took my hand, "what would you say if I said that one day we are going to get married?"

"We're so young boo bear."

"Haz you're crazy, we are not too young." He laughed, pushing back a strand of my hair.

"Louis Tomlinson, would you call me crazy if I told you I loved you."

Louis blushed, "I would say, I love you too."

I looked at Louis who had a heartbreaking look on his face. "The first time we said I love you" I said.

"That's why I wanna go back."

"Well then, let's do it."

Another short chapter. Louis is getting weaker, honestly these make me so sad to write, but he's still trying to make the best of it.

Thanks for reading so far, only a few more chapters! Love you all!


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