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Angelica had never seen her sister happy. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Margarita Schuyler was happy when she and her best friend Abigail Adams went shopping at every designer clothing store in New York. And she couldn't help but enjoy when she was stopped by the press asking for her picture because lord knows that you will never find someone as photogenic as Peggy but Angelica had never seen her sister honestly happy. In the 23 years, the two knew each other she had never seen Peggy wear a smile that hadn't been painted on at 6:00 am so you would understand why Angelica was also sporting the same soft smile. 

"She looks happy."

Angelica jumped up in surprise at the sudden sound of another voice.  When she had recovered from the surprise she turned to see the owner of the voice. It turned out to be her close friend and sister's ex-boyfriend Lafayette. 

"She does doesn't she."

"Yeah happier than she ever looked with me."

Angelica smiled sadly. She knew that he and Peggy didn't work out as well as they would've liked too but they still decided to stay friends and by friends they meant they still followed each other on their socials and smiled for any camera that was shoved in their faces.

Lafayette broke her chain of thought.

"So how are you and Hamilton?"

Angelica turned to face the tall man.

"We're doing fine. It's tiering with the parenting part but still good."

"You'll have to bring him over some time, Georges would love to see Philip some time." 

Angelica's son Philip was 3 and Lafayette's oldest son was 4. The two had met twice. Once at a social event and the second time being George's last birthday.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll love too."

The man nodded before giving her a formal hug.

"I'll see you later Angelica. Tell Peggy I said congratulations. And tell her I'm sorry."

Angelica frowned. She knew that even though the two pretended to be fine one of them that one being Lafayette still felt bad about hurting her. 

"I will, and Laf she doesn't hate you. She just moved on."

The man smiled." That's good, I'm happy for her." And then he walked into the dancing crowd.

Just as Angelica was about to go back to watching the bride and groom dance she felt a drunk kiss on her cheek.

"Hello, Angle."

"Hello Mr. Hamilton What can I do for you."

"Dance with me."

Angelica laughed before returning the affection and standing up to steady her drunk husband.

"I would love to but I'm afraid I cannot."

"What! Why not?"

"Because I already have a dance partner."

"Who! I'll kill him when I find him." 

Angelica laughed before planting a kiss on his head. Angelica sat him in the chair she was previously sitting in so she could go walk over to the bride and groom.

"Hello beautiful bride."

Peggy turned from Hercules to face her sister before pulling her into a hug.

"Hi Angelica, If you're trying to steal the groom for a dance try again."

Angelica smiled before shaking her head. "No, I want to steal you for a dance."

Peggy's eyebrows shot up. 

"You want to dance with me?"

"Yes, and I was wondering if Alexander could steal Hercules."

Peggy and Angelica turned to a shrugging Hercules."

"Sure why not. It wouldn't be the first time I've danced with him"

Angelica smiled before grabbing her sister's hand to pull her into a dance.

"I'm really proud of you Peggs."

"For What?"

"For being  you." 

Peggy smiled before resting her head on her older sister. And so for the Mulligan wedding Angelica danced with the bride and Alexander with the groom and it was okay.

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