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Alexander Hamilton was not a fan of group projects.  He wasn't a fan when he was in middle school and his mother forced him to join soccer because "He needed to learn how work with other kids." So now as a 17 year old senior he was not happy when his AP history teacher Mr. Washington explained that everyone would be required to work with the partners that he chose. If they were able to choose their own partners then maybe he wouldn't be as irritated but alas. That was not the case. Not only was he not allowed to choose his own partner but he was paired up with the one and only Angelica Schuyler. He didn't know her personally  well not as personally anymore.  No only the elite were able to spend time with the wonderful Angelica Schuyler. Every day he would see at least 15 freshmen asking for her number, 10 Sophomores asking what she was doing later, 6 Juniors complementing her expensive outfit and almost the whole Senior class asking if she was single. He didn't know what it was about her. Maybe he was jealous  that she could have everything she wanted on a silver platter or it could be because she had no regard for anyone's feelings but it could be because the scars she had left on him had not yet healed. 

Angelica Schuyler was not happy. How could Mr. Washington do this to her. Angelica didn't like to pull this card as much as her younger sister Peggy did but she was going to have to call her father. There was no way she was going to be paired with Alexander Hamilton. No. She refused. So Angelica was going to go do what she did best. She put on her best smile flipped her hair over her over shoulder and strutted over to Mr. Washington's class.

"Mr. Washington. Hello, how's your day going ."

Washington looked up from his stack papers with a confused look on his face.

" Ms. Schuyler . Class ended 30 minutes ago. Do you have a question."

Angelica nodded and flashed her award winning smile.

"Yes um well I saw that I was partnered with a Mr. Alexander Hamilton and I don't know if you heard about the situation that happened last year but-."

Mr. Washington cut her off. 

"No, I heard but you are not exempt from the assignment just because you don't like who you're partnered with. We can't all get what we want Ms. Schuyler."

Angelica clenched her fist and stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Angelica stomped through the hallway and everyone cleared a path for her. Angelica yanked her sister Eliza from her theater group and Peggy from her boyfriend Hercules.

Peggy glared. "Why would you do that?" 

Angelica didn't respond. She walked to her car pushed  Peggy in the front seat. 

Eliza was about to protest because she always got front but Angelica didn't have the patience and Eliza got the hint. The Schuyler sisters had a silent drive home that day.

Alexander sighed as he pulled out his phone looking for her contact name. It was a name that wouldn't be considered respectable. He clicked the phone icon. It rang three time before someone picked up.


"Who's this."

Alexander didn't hear Angelica but instead her younger sister. The schuyler sisters were incredibly close. Close enough to answer each others phone. Probably because they had no secrets to hide. He wondered how long that would last."Alexander."

 Eliza yelled "Angelica it's the one we don't name!"

Alexander laughed. He knew that he and Angelica weren't friends but he never thought he was as bad as the noseless wonder.

"What do you want?"

Angelica was being rude. Alexander could be rude to.

"You heard the news ."

She answered. 


"Okay then. You don't want to talk or see me I don't want to see you so I've come up with a solution."

"Oh. The great Alexander Hamilton has a solution well well well those ideas could've been useful a year ago."

"Angelica ple-"

She cut him off. 

"Don't speak."

He sighed.

" My solution is that we both do half of the project and then present together."

Angelica gruffed in response meaning the conversation was over. 

For some odd reason he felt bad. 

"Angelica." She hung up.

Wensday rolled around and Angelica and Alexander sat next to each other. Not because they wanted to but because  Mr. Washington said "You are required to sit by your partner."

Angelica and the rest of the class sat through Hercules and Laurens entire project that really just consisted of them laughing and making inside jokes." After Hercules and Laurens Maria and Eliza's  finished their presentations and it was finally their turn to present the project they had done seperatly.

Angelica stood up and glared at Alexander.

"Our project is discussing the problem with an absolute monarchy."

"Or the benefits." Angelica whipped her head to face Alexander. 

"What do you mean the benefits." Alexander shrugged.

"Having one person in  charge could help the individuals involved in the situation.. You would know all about that Angelica." He flashed an evil grin.

Everyone gasped because the biggest drama to ever go down at the Kings High school was the break up of Alexander Hamilton and Angelica Schuyler.

" What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh nothing just when a government is in a relationship with their people it's important  to focus on them."

Angelica knew what he meant. Two could play that game.

"Well maybe the people shouldn't be so needy because people I mean monarchy's have responsibilities to focus on. "

Alexander stepped closer so they were now nose to nose.

" Well showing a little love is never a bad thing. " and Angelica whispered something she hadn't said in a long time.

"I do love you."

And then they did the unimaginable. Their lips touched  trying to remember what it felt like. The class gasped screamed laughed and wolf whistle while Mr. Washington's confusion could be heard but ignored. When they broke Alexander smiled.

"I forgot what that felt like"

Angelica smiled before intertwining their fingers.

" I already know we failed. Want to leave?"

Angelica nodded before they both walked out.

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