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Saturday's were Margarita's favorite day. They were her favorite days because Saturday was the day where 50% of the malls stores had sales and even though she had the means to buy her item without the sale the last time she went shopping her father had to suspend her credit card so with all this being said you could guess Margarita and her boyfriend Hercules were going to inhabit the mall for a few hours. Hercules sighed before taking the keys out the expensive car ignition.

"Honey, daring I know you really want to go to the mall but the last time we were here we didn't leave till 9pm."

Peggy glanced at her boyfriend before applying mascara to her already long eyelashes.

"9pm isn't that bad."

"We got here at 1:00."

Peggy smiled before leaning in to kiss her boyfriend.

"I promise that we won't be here for 9 hours."

Hercules smiled sourly at the lie but still unbuckled his seatbelt to get out of the car so he could open Margarita's car door. His girlfriend might've been high maintenance but he didn't mind because she was worth it and his mother had taught him to treat a lady as though she was the most precious thing in the world and honestly to Hercules Peggy was the most precious thing to him.

Once the two were out of the car his girlfriend was immediately  bombarded with press and pictures and even though he wasn't too into the famous part of their relationship he was willing to be blinded by camara lights if it meant that Peggy was happy. The two then proceeded to spend 9 hours in the mall despite the promise that was made before hand.

Okay so once again I'm gonna have a little self promotion. Read my other book because I'm actually kinda proud of it. ( I apologize for the promotion.) Other than that I hope you enjoyed this short one shot because I thought it was cute. Happy reading and stay safe. Bye

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