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Angelica Schuyler had a very long day at work. Angelica Schuyler was a lawyer and a damn good one at that but that didn't mean that work was easy. Today everything that could've gone wrong did. She and Alexander woke up late making them both late for work and their three year old son late for preschool. Not only was she late but she also spilt her coffee, forgot her charger for her laptop and had to suck up to Aaron Burr to use his by promising him her stash of snickers in her desk drawer , and she also had to deal with the annoying 17 year old intern Charles Lee. So with all this being said Angelica almost cried tears of joy when she walked into a silent empty house. Just her , the T.V , and ice cream. Angelica slipped into her pajamas went to the freezer grabbed a fork because she couldn't find any clean spoons and didn't feel like washing them. She turned on the T.V and started watching unsolved mysterious. That only lasted three minutes when Alexander stormed through the door with little three year old Phillip behind him.

Both boys ripped off their coats threw their bags on the ground and fell on the couch with frowns on both of their faces. Angelica turned off the t.v and rolled her eyes. It was 4:30 each boy would need at least and hour to vent that put her at 6:30. She had time.

She made a deep exhale and turned to her two favorite boys. "What's wrong?"

Both boys looked at each other probably deciding who would vent first. They decided on Phillip.

"Stupid George Eacker." Both parents eyes went wide. Angelica decided she would take this one.

"Phillip we don't say stupid" Phillip grimaced before restarting his story.

"Meanie George Eacker was being mean to one of you. He called you dumb and  mean names. So I hit him in the back with a lego and got in trouble." Angelica was about to open her mouth to lecture Phillip on why that was wrong but Alexander beat her to it.

"Phillip I don't care how many bad things people say about me -"

Phillip cut him off while making a confused face.

"They weren't talking about you I hit him because he was talking about mommy."

Alex's face went slack and Angelica slapped her hand over her mouth to contain a laugh. These were the moments of parenting Angelica lived for. After Angelica regained her composure angelica kissed Phillip on the head. 

" Thank you for standing up for  me sweetheart but next time use your words."

Phillip nodded and looked to his father.

"Sorry daddy but when George Eacker called you a dumb dumb I laughed. Next time I'll stand up for you like mommy does when Mr. Blurr makes you angry." After that statement Angelica couldn't contain her laughs she nodded before telling Phillip he could go play until dinner. 

After Phillip left Angelica turned to Alexander. 

"Now how was your day?"

Alexander turned to her before starting his speech on how bad his day was. But surprisingly it was only one sentence.

"Burr said I have the temper of a infant"

And for the third time that day Angelica couldn't help but laugh. Alexander turned to see a laughing Angelica with an offended look on his face.

"Angie how can you be laughing this man insulted our family.!"

Angelica wiped her eyes. "No. He insulted you ! and I have to agree with him"

Alexander smiled before joining in on her laughter because he had to admit it did sound a little stupid out loud. Phillip must have heard his parents laughing because he joined in not knowing what they were laughing about but he wanted to be in on the joke. After the Hamiltons had calmed down the adults of the house decided that they didn't want to cook so the family ate Lucky Charms in front of the T.V watching cartoons because what better way to spend her time with the two favorite boys.

Thanks for reading and for 207 reads. It means a lot. I hope you enjoyed this quick  one shot and the more to come. Bye and stay safe.

714 words

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