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Angelica hadn't seen her sister in 6 years. 6 very long years and that was not something she was proud of. For 6 years Angelica constantly reminincised on past memories when she and her sister used to call each other for no reason and talk for hours or drive for miles to surprise one another with cheap food and hallmark movies just because they missed each other and had nothing better to do. That's how close they were. Key word WERE. Now they never saw each other and that happens over time. You grow up and start new lives but that didn't mean you grew apart. Most families still see each other for holidays and still call just to check in but that was not the case for the Schuyler sisters. Angelica last saw and heard from her sister Eliza since her wedding and the last time Angelica "heard" from  Peggy was when she sent a voicemail and  100 dollar gift card to toys r us to Philip on his 3rd birthday. She also sent a card that said happy 7th birthday because she didn't even know how old he was so you would be 100%  right if you said Angelica almost fainted when she saw Margarita Schuyler at her door.

"What are you doing here?"

"What a nice way to greet your younger sister."

"Well what can I say my 7 year old son keeps me busy."

Margarita sneered " Where is the little guy anyway."

Angelica turned her head. "Hey hon, can you bring Philip out here."

A minute later Alexander came hand in hand with their son. 

"Mommy who's this."

Peggy frowned. 

"I'm your aunt Peggy."

Philip squinted. "I don't know you"

Alexander must've sensed the tension because he then picked Philip up. 

"How bout you go play in your room buddy. I'll come play with you in a bit."

Philip nodded before running to his room. Once the child was gone all the adults dropped the fake smiles.

"So I'll ask you one more time why the hell are you here."

Peggy inhaled in a shaky breath. 

"Dad's dead." There it was. The worst news Angelica had heard in a long time and that's why she asked again just to make sure she heard her right.


Peggy rolled her eyes. 

"You heard me don't make me say it again."

"Don't make me say it again? Don't make me say it again !? Peggy you just showed up at my house after 5 or 6 years and tell me that my father is dead. You're damn right I'm going to ask you to say it again."

Peggy was about to open her mouth to speak but Angelica held up her finger up to shut her up.

"And why are so evil . You just show up and your just the meanest person in the world. I haven't seen you in 6 years! I've called you and you haven't picked up the phone in 6 damn years! What happened to the fun bouncy loveable peggy I knew. Where is she because I'm tired of this snobby spoiled Margarita."

Alexander put his hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off.

"Why! Why! Why!"

"Ange it's okay.'

"No it's not Alex. It's wrong."

Now both sisters had tears in her eyes.

Peggy wiped her eye with one of her hands before talking.

"You want to know why I never called back? I never called back because you always had something going on in you life something that mom and dad would be more proud of! Peggy finished High school well Angelica got into Columbia or Peggy got a boyfriend  that's nice but Angelica's getting married! I know you never see it Angelica but I would like you to know that my whole life does not revolve around you. Not anymore it doesn't And in this new life that I created all on my for once it's about me. "

Peggy sighed before handing three first class tickets to a crying Angelica Schuyler.

"Come if you want .There will be a private burial after the public one if you don't want to see all the press and everyone else."

Angelica didn't respond.Peggy nodded before heading towards the door. She twisted the doorknob before stepping one very expensive sneaker outside of the door. Just as she was getting to walk back into the car she turned to face Angelica who was crying in Alexander's arms.

"I'm sorry."

Angelica looked up.


Peggy's voice broke as tears welled in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't pick up. I'm sorry I never took the time to meet your amazing son or show up to Thanksgiving. And most of all I'm  sorry for not being the sister you deserved.

Peggy was now in tears.

"Angelica I'm so so sorry. I just don't know what to do."

Angelica stepped away from Alexander before walking towards her broken sister.

"Oh peggy. It's okay it's going to be okay."

And so while the two of the three schuyler sister were hugging on Angelica's entrance way floor they cried. They cried for themselves. They cried for each other, their mother, and their sister who was to scared to cry for herself. And when they were done they had realised they took the first step in mending their broken relationship.

Okay so first of all I want to thank everyone for 345 reads and I really hope you enjoyed this story. I wanted to try something s little different and a little more serious and I also wanted to include Pegy because we already don't see her enough in the musical.  If you want to vote go ahead and if you don't that's fine. Comment for new ideas because I need some and As always stay safe and Happy reading. Bye

940 words.

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