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So I guess that's how she let it get here. Angelica was just about to take another sip of cheap beer when there was a faint knock at the door. She almost burst into tears right then and there because there could be almost a thousand different people at the door. Her disappointed parents, worried sisters ,or pissed off fiance , well ex fiance now because there was no way in hell hat Angelica was apologizing for what she did and there was no way in hell that john was going to accept anything less than a musical number apologizing for what happened a little over three hours ago.

She must have been in thought for a while because the knocking at the door only increased. So instead of ignoring it or crying Angelica got up and answered the door. That probably wasn't the best idea considering what side of New York she was on but she couldn't bring herself to care. She closed her eyes and swung open the door not to reveal a burglar or a pissed off almost husband she saw something so much worse. She saw the love of her life. It was so much worse because he was the only person in the world who could make her feel sorry about what she did a little over three hours ago. It hadn't even been five seconds before Alexander rushed in and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

A mere minute passed until Alexander pulled away from Angelica to get a better look at her and tell her what she needed to hear. " what the hell was that! You don't just run out of a wedding let alone your own wedding" Angelica looked at her feet focusing on her expensive  shoes and cracks on the floor. Alexander had probably been talking for about three minutes when she feel to her knees and started crying. Alexander looked at with a mix of pit and sadness.

"Angelica... Angie honey what's wrong?"

She was now crying heart wrenching sobs.

"I just couldn't do it."

And in that moment they both understood. I guess they had always understood but they just never allowed themselves to. So instead of asking her why not like a normal person he fell to his knees in his expensive suit on the dirty floor simply because that's what she needed. He glanced at her before speaking.

" I was always just to scared you know. To tell you. To tell you that I loved you. I think that's why I got with Elizabeth in the first place because she reminded me of you until she didn't" He laughed at how wrong and twisted it sounded out loud but he wasn't ashamed because it was the truth and his mother told him you should never be ashamed of the truth. They sat in silence until it was broken by laughter. Not just any laughter but Angelica's laughter. The kind of sound that would turn heads. The kind of sound you wanted to hear over and over again. The kind of sound that made you fall in love. She smiled before speaking.

" Did you know that when John proposed I said yes because everyday I thought would wake up and it would all be some bad dream and every day I understood a little bit more that I was never going to wake up."

Alexander stood up and offered his hand to Angelica. She took it and he pulled her up but instead of letting her go once she was standing he kissed her. It was the deep kiss that they always wanted to share but never took the opportunity to. When they finally broke he smiled and looked at her. " You wanna get married?"

Angelica didn't even hesitate before screaming yes but then again Angelica and Alexander were never ones to hesitate. They both left the ratty hotel before finding a toy machine to put two quarters into so they could get their rings because it wouldn't be a true Hamilton wedding if something unexpected didn't happen.

They went to the church on the other side of the city because lord knows that everyone would be looking for her at the Ritz or some other insanely expensive establishment. In less than in an hour Angelica Schuyler became Angelica Schuyler Hamilton and in there makeshift vows they promised each other they would be there for it all.

(Feel free to leave feed back or suggestions on how to make the story/my writing better.)

760 words.

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