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Angelica was really really really late. It was 8:30 and she was supposed to be at her desk drinking cheap coffee by 7:20. Being late wasn't he end of her problems oh no. There were two other reasons why she was freaking out. One she looked homeless and out of all the rules you could break at work looking homeless or as her boss called it " Looking disheveled" was a one way ticket to unemployment town and the second disaster of that morning was  that  the owner of the company Her FATHER was coming in to asses the office today. It was one thing to get fired from you boss but it was a whole nother to get fired from your dad. Angelica could just see that conversation with her mother now. 

" Hello Angelica. How was your day.?"

"Oh,the normal got my coffee, went to work, got fired from dad. Nothing out of the ordinary."

It honestly wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Angelica to get fired from her father. Not only did her father own a very successful law firm he also owned a few banks in the city and when Angelica was in her late teens her father made her intern at one of banks as a receptionist only to get fired a week into the job for being late when he was the one who had taken away her car for being late for curfew and refusing to drive her to work with him so Angelica had to get creative and hail a cab during rush hour. So even if she did get fired today she couldn't say it came as a total surprise. 

Angelica decided that if she was going  to get fired today she was going to get fired looking as professinal as you could while applying makeup on a moving subway train. Angelica sighed hopping onto the train while digging in her purse to switch her sneakers for heels and eye bags for masscara. Just as the train was about to leave the station a young man jumped on just as the doors were closing. The people on the train clapped and appluded the man for not dying while jumping on a moving train. The young man bowed while smiling and Angelica couldn't help but smile along with him. Angelica couldn't help but look at the young man. He seemed to be the same age as herself , wearing the same type of office wear while sporting the same leather briefcase and being undeniebly handsome. The man must have noticed her prolonged staring because he started walking twoards her with the same smile he wore while jumping on the train.

"Is anyone sitting here." The man pointed nodded twaords Angelica's bag."

Angelica looked at her bag before moving it.

"Yes, no , um unless you want to you-"

Angelica for once couldn't speak or flirt and decided to cut herself off before taking  a deep breath and smiling no.


The man sat next to her before sticking his hand out for her to shake.

" Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton"

Angelica smiled before taking his hand.


Alexander then started to look Angelica up and down. Angelica by instinct followed his looks. 

" Is something wrong?"

Alexander laughed."No it's just I  have this weird habit of trying to guess where someone works based off of their clothes. Let me a guess. Based off of the briefcase , incredibly expensive shoes, and office skirt I'm gonna guess Law Firm?" 

Angelica laughed in surprise while nodding. 

"You would be correct. Quick question though. How could you tell for sure."

Alexander grinned.

"Because I have the exact same job."

Angelica smiled.

" Well that's quite skill Mr. Hamilton"

"Why thank you Ms. Angelica"

"Angelica if you don't mind me asking where do work. Because it's 8:56 and any law firm that I know of has a start time of at least 7:30"

Angelica grinned.

"Well you are quite nosey for an NYC subway commuter."

Alexander shrugged.

"I prefer curious."

Just as Angelica was about to answer the train stopped at her stop. Angelica silently cursed the universe. The one day the train wanted to be on time was the same day a very smart, very handsome guy wanted to flirt with  her. As much as Angelica wanted to get to know this man she wanted to be able to eat first. Angelica gave an apoligetic smile to the man and pointed to her stop. Just as she was about to leave she decided if she was never going to see this man again she wanted him to remember her as a professional. She took her hand out for him to shake  thanking her past self for painting them. Alexander went to shake her hand but when it came time to let go he instead kissed her hand and smiled. Angelica gave Mr. Hamilton a sad smile because she knows she'll probably never see  the man she might've learned to love again.

Angelica sighed as she was about to hop off the train when an unfimilar voice caught her off gaured. There to her left was an old women with a kind smile on her face.

"Love will always find a way. Don't  ever let the one get away."

Angelica smiled and wondered where this old women found such untrue information .

"Thank you." Angelica then hopped off the train.

When Angelica ot to work she was not in a good mood. When she walked into work her father/boss yelled her and then sent her to the front desk. When she was at her desk her co-worker Aaron Burr decided to just make her day worse.

"Good morning beautiful. Where were you this morning?"

Angelica rolled her eyes before looking up at the man.

"What do you want Aaron."

Burr let a small smile creep onto his face before responding.


Angelica rubbed the space between her eyes.

"I'm going to give you three seconds to leave before I chuck this pen at your large bald head." 

Aaron must've gotten the point because when she opened her eyes her was no longer standing in front of her.

Ten minutes passed and Angelica decided to put her head down because her day could not get any worse. Angelica wasn't even allowed 30 seconds to close her eyes until someone rung the stupid service/help bell.

"Aaron I swear to god if-"

But instead of Aaron Burr it was Alexander Hamilton from the subway.

"It's you"

Alexander Hamilton smiled. "It' me."

"How did you uh. What are you doing here."

" It's my first day and I was supposed to be given a tour from the receptionist. If you could point me in the direction of the beautiful Angelica Schuyler."

Angelica smiled before standing up.

"You are a flirt Mr. Hamilton."

"The best of us are Ms. Angelica."

Angelica did something she hadn't done in a while. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"What was that  for?"

" Just repaying you from the train and I'm keeping a promise."

"What's that promis?"

"To make sure  to never let the one go."

The pair then proceeded to spin around in office chairs in the conference room and pretend to take life seriously.

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for 265 reads.

1223 words. 

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