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Elizabeth really disliked parties. Scratch that she hated parties. She didn't understand what made them so great anyway. Loud music, drunk idiots, and hot unshowered bodies all crammed into one room. Yeah Elizabeth would littlerly be any where else. She didn't even want to come but her sisters had practicly dragged her out of her dorm to come to this hotel. Even though Eliza hated parties she could understand why her sisters enjoyed them. Anyone would enjoy a space where they were the center of attention and admiration and that's exactly what happened at every party the three sisters went to. They would walk in together and then not even two seconds would pass until Angelica's boyfriend Alexander would scoop her up and show her off to his friends and Peggy was already going through with an insanely stupid but thrilling dare. Eliza had to be at least a little grateful that this is how things worked out. For one how would you feel if you were forced to be included in your sisters boyfriend/ex crush crazy antics and your younger cooler sister's insane ways. If Angelica and Peggy didn't show up to these parties the responsibility of being interesting would fall on her shoulders and she didn't know how she would deal with that.

They had probably been at the party for an hour when she heard "JUMP ,JUMP ,JUMP!" Eliza tore her attention away from the book she had brought along to the action. She saw a pretty women wearing a black crop top and a red mini skirt standing at the edge of a railing. Below the railing was about an 8ft deep pool. Usually Eliza would have rolled her eyes and gone back to reading but something seemed off about the woman. She was barley standing on her own, her face showed fear and her eyes full of regret. She did not look like she wanted to be here. Probably peer pressure something Eliza knew all to well. In that moment Eliza made a decision. She stood up and pushed her way through the crowd until she was in front of the woman and a tall man.

"Excuse me miss are you all right?"

The man beside her answered for her.

"She's fine. You should probably just go." Eliza took a deep breath before saying something she wouldn't have ever said in a different situation.

" I asked her not you." The mans eyes went wide before pushing her out of the way. The women beside him finally decided to speak.

"Leave her alone James it's fine" The intimidating man decided to respond.

"Shut it Maria!" He started to count down. Signifying to the crowd that she was going to jump.

1, 2, 3, 4... Before having time to think Eliza grabbed Maria's hand and pushed James over the rail into the pool below. Everyone turned to look at Eliza when their brains finally caught up with the situation. Eliza gasped just now realizing what she had done. She turned to look up at the girl. Before Eliza could speak Maria said something.

"Thank you." Eliza smiled.

 "was that your ride?" 

Maria nodded and Eliza decided to try out the flirting her sister's used so often.

"I can be your new one."

Maria laughed but not a mean one a happy almost relieved one.

"That would be great.

Eliza walked back into the party hand in hand with Maria before telling her sisters she was going home. Her sister too drunk to understand just aimlessly nodded before capturing the rooms attention again and for once Elizabeth didn't mind. Who knew mistakes have the best outcomes.

609 words

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